A tomato lost in space was found a year later on the International Space Station

Both tomatoes were recovered almost a year later. Credit: ISS
Zeus Valtierra Zeus Valtierra 6 minutes

Can you imagine eating tomatoes grown in space? That’s what some astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) have done Experiments on production of fresh food in microgravity conditions.

These tests They are key to preparing future missions to the Moon and MarsThere humans need to feed themselves in a sustainable and healthy way.

One of the most interesting experiments XROOTS, which consists of plants that grow without soil, using only water and air. NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, who was on the ISS in 2022, told a funny story. Two tomatoes that escaped during harvest.

Tomatoes were hidden in plastic bags They were not found until nearly a year laterWhen members of Expedition 70 celebrated the 25th anniversary of the ISS. The tomatoes were dry and squishy, ​​but not rotten.

Microgravity in space

Microgravity The lowest level of gravity experienced in space or in terrestrial simulators. This occurs when a body is in free fall, such as ships orbiting the Earth.

In microgravity condition Gravitational force is offset by centrifugal force or other opposing force. This can cause other effects in astronauts such as disorientation and loss of bone and muscle mass.

Microgravity It is measured in units of g, which is the acceleration of gravity at the Earth’s surface (9.81 meters squared per second). For example, microgravity on the International Space Station is about 0.00001 g.

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Microgravity in plants

have been found Important effects on plant growth, as it changes the orientation, division and differentiation of its cells. Some of the observed effects are:

  • Loss of ability to grow in the direction of gravity (geotropism), which affects the formation of roots and stems.
  • Premature cell divisionIt reduces the size of its cells and organs.
  • Changes in in the expression of their genes and the methylation of their DNAIt can modify its growth and adaptation.

These effects They may vary depending on plant species, time of exposure to microgravity, and environmental conditions.. Scientists are investigating how to improve growing plants in space, as they could be a source of food and oxygen for future space travel.

They also study how microgravity helps Better understanding of molecular and cellular mechanisms Regulates the growth of plants on earth.

Other tests

Rubio also attended Another trial, called VEG-05, used a facility called “vegji” to grow dwarf tomatoes.. The objective was to study how light and fertilizer affected the growth, quality and taste of tomatoes. Astronauts were able to taste the tomatoes and check their nutritional value and microbial safety.

Although XROOTS could not analyze the missing tomatoes, Plant research continues on the ISS with the Plant Habitat 03 experimentIt will return to Earth on the next SpaceX mission.

Frank Rubio performs fluid manipulation and plant studies for the XROOTS experiment. Credit: ISS

This experiment One of the first to grow multiple generations of plants in space to see if genetic adaptations are inherited.. This will help improve plant resistance to space environment and produce more efficient crops.

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Astronauts benefit not only from eating new plants, but also from caring for them. According to them, Gardening helps them relax, be happy and improve their quality of life in the space..

Plant experiments on the ISS are an example of how Science and technology make the dream of space exploration possible And how this knowledge can be used to improve plant breeding Tierra.

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