Heat wave | 3 places in Lima with very high radiation levels are considered dangerous | Senamhi | Weather in Lima | Harsh Sun | Meteorology | Peru

National Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Peru (Senamhi) cautioned that Lima records levels Too much radiationis dangerously close to what is shown in similar areas Junin or Pasco or Arequipa, walking in the sun without sun protection measures can be dangerous. Yesterday the capital reached the maximum IUV value of 10, which is considered too high and dangerous to the health of the people.

Through his social networks, The Senamhi He explained that these values ​​were found in Stations of Carapaillo, Ceres (Ate) and Pantanos de Villa (Corrillos). Thus the districts located in these stations are highly affected by radiation.

The agency recommended that citizens “use wide-brimmed hats, umbrellas, sunglasses, long-sleeved clothing and sunscreen.”

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What is UV radiation?

Orlando Ccora, expert Chenamhiexplained that Ultraviolet rays It is a form of invisible energy from the sun and damages the marine and terrestrial ecosystem as well as causing harm to the skin and eyes.

“During this Summer time, some parts of the country register values ​​between 18 and 21, you can easily reach 22 in the Peruvian-Bolivian highlands. It is very rare in other countries. For example, an index above 11 would be catastrophic in Europe, whereas it occurs in the tropics,” he said.

The UV index is in the range of 3 to 5, the risk is moderate, so it is recommended to wear long-sleeved clothing and, in some cases, a wide-brimmed hat with UV filters and sunglasses. (Photo: GEC)

How can we protect ourselves?

According to the expert, when UV index ranges from 3 to 5The risk is moderate, so it is recommended to wear long-sleeved clothing, in some cases, a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. Filter UV.

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But if Ultraviolet rays Reaches a value of 6 to 7 (high) or 8 to 10 (very high), it is necessary to use umbrellas, sunscreen, hat and glasses to avoid damage to the skin and eyes. Likewise, sun exposure should be minimized during the hours of maximum radiation (10 am to 4 pm).

If a person has sensitive or very light skin, sunscreen should be used year-round to avoid long-term erythema or burns that cause erythema. Cancer.

It is important to note that Provides preventive measures against adverse health effects due to long-term exposure to solar radiation, obliges public and private institutions. Provide sunscreen and safety kit to all your employees who will be doing outdoor activities.

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