Missions stands out with its disruptive model

Missions stands as a benchmark for innovation and creativity at the national and regional levels. Over the years, it has promoted education that prepares students for the challenges of the 21st century and fosters technological growth.

This April 21 is World Creativity and Innovation DayIt was the same date that one of the most creative and influential characters in history was born Leonardo da Vinci, a symbol of interdisciplinary creativity in the arts and sciences. In this Act, Red Earth celebrates the potential and skill of each of its advancesIn recent times both laws and initiatives.

In an interview Channel 12Minister of Education, Science and Technology of Missions, Ramiro Aranda highlighted the province's efforts and achievements in the field of disruptive education, technology and artificial intelligence..

First public robotics school in the country

One of the latest milestones Best participation in last World Robotics Olympiad competitionHeld in Panama last year: “The Argentine team is mostly made up of schools from the Missions, which have demonstrated commitment and excellence in this field,” he said.

In this sense, he pointed out “Missions has the nation's first public robotics school: Secondary School of Innovation. A place dedicated to disruptive training for thousands of young people since its inception.

A pioneer in education and enrollment in rural schools nationally

Also, its presence stands out “Pioneer in Incorporating Robotics into Compulsory Curriculum, Advances Nationally”. The minister pointed out that Collaborative work with teachersA large number of artificial intelligence training programs for educators are offered free of charge in the province.

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The impact of this Antennas are Starlink It is also part of a fundamental improvement. Investment provides Connectivity in remote towns and rural schools. It allows internet access to remote areas to promote digital inclusion and equal opportunities in education.

Startups and Artificial Intelligence: Drivers of the Knowledge Economy

as Innovative projectsThere are various school initiatives like School of Robotics And this Innovation School. These projects will be up to now Beginnings For solutions based on technology and artificial intelligence, have It is of national and international importanceIt showcases the province's creative potential.

Aranda also noted the continued commitment of Disruptive education, digital literacy and strengthening linkages with the labor market. This year, he commented, “The province has launched programs such as teaching technology, teaching in secondary innovation school and data science and artificial intelligence technician.”

They are searching Creating professional profiles In line with the demands of the current technology market, they promote the growth of technology-based companies and ventures in the region.

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