What is the luxurious apartment that Alessia Rovegno and Hugo García live in?

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment? (Video: You're All In / America TV)

Natalie Verdis, host of 'You're In All', She conducted an interview with one of the most determined young showbiz couples. Hugo Garcia and Alessia Rovegno They have been in a relationship for two years, but they show that they have a very stable, formal and loving relationship. On this occasion, they didn't hesitate to show some of the places of their modern residence.

In the couple's entry hall they have models and some pictures on the cover of some printed magazines. The idea came from former Miss Peru, Alessia Rovegno, who decided to decorate the area like this.

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment?

A large sofa in a light sand tone welcomes the couple's guests, with a table in the middle, where you can find several magazines on a sample cover. In one corner, a small shelf holds some book collections and a potted indoor plant gives the room a cozy atmosphere.

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment?

On the other side you will find a large TV, a living room with some decorations, paintings and scented candles on the walls. Also, the guitar owner commented that Rovegno was going back to practice, which is why he had to cut his nails.

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment?

The kitchen has all white furniture and basic appliances. The couple has a large double-door refrigerator that holds photos of them and a calendar that Garcia's mother gave them, as well as a collection of magnets of places they went together.

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment?

Neither of them cook because they don't have a lot of time, but the couple admits that on weekends they usually order food or go out to eat, so they have at least one person who prepares their meals from Monday to Friday.

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment?

Alessia Rovegno is a self-confessed chocolate lover, so she has a variety of chocolate products, even cereal, in her closet. They really like coffee, so they have many cups. One of them is very special because it is engraved with a photo of Hugo Garcia with his 96-year-old grandmother, who was precisely the one who gave them the gift.

Hugo García and Alessia Rovegno: What is the couple's luxurious new apartment?

The young couple admitted that they have always talked about the possibility of getting married in the future and that they are fully ready, but for now they are focusing on personal projects.

“Now that you're living together, do you see yourself getting married in the future, have you talked about it?” Natalie Vertis asked the couple what they talked about.

Obviously, we talk about it all the time, If we have plans for the future, if I want to start a family, I want to go to the altar,” commented Garcia, who is more in love with Alessia.

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“Equally, today, we are in a phase where we are working hard because obviously we have to build the future and our children should not lack anything, but we are talking about it and we have plans for the future.” Garcia said they want to be parents and expand their family.

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