Technology, flexibility and agility are strategic elements to deliver optimized and personalized digital experiences

Organizations must deliver unique digital experiences to meet omnichannel customer expectations, and in this sense, coordination between IT and business departments is critical to optimizing processes and costs..

Having a digital experience platform in the cloud that integrates the various technology solutions that a company has been implementing throughout its history allows to reuse resources, collectively visualize information and establish synergies.

In a digitized, competitive and constantly evolving environment, delivering unique digital experiences that add value to the customer is critical. For this, it is necessary to have technical solutions that can easily connect, integrate and integrate different applications, reuse information, improve the digital experience and optimize costs to use its full potential.

With the aim of analyzing how digitization and technology can help organizations improve their performance, they can achieve their business objectives. Liferay, “Digital Experiences in the Cloud, Key to Optimizing Company Processes and Costs”and arrangement Director &Gee.

Managers have acknowledged the importance of business and IT departments working together. It is important to find a point of balance between the value that connected technology solutions provide to the customer and how they affect the company’s income statement in the short term. Likewise, they highlighted integration, flexibility, security, customization, performance and usability as strategic elements that a technology tool should incorporate to deliver a better service. Customer experience For the omnichannel customer.

The value of integration

Being at the forefront of current trends, companies can integrate the best tools that allow them to improve their processes, products or services and position themselves strategically in the market.

Viviana Echeverri, Global IT Leader – Digital Integration d Roche, It focuses on digitization as a cornerstone of business strategy to effectively deliver. “Digitalization actions must be based on a defined business plan, in which a prior analysis has been carried out to identify and prioritize which technology is most suitable for the company’s needs.” On the other hand, “Incorporating a new technology solution involves a significant investment, so it is necessary to easily integrate with the existing tools in the company. In addition, it is necessary that the learning curve is not too high, so that the teams can exploit their full potential from their operation.

Business and IT departments need to work in an integrated and collaborative manner, it is impossible to build a successful and profitable business without the support and accompaniment of appropriate tools,” he pointed out. Pablo Reboro, Head of Development Strategy D N26, “The company is responsible for the product or service it provides to the customer, and this includes the profit and/or loss account, as well as the tools and resources needed to guarantee quality service. If this integrated vision is not internalized, a very important dimension of business reality is lost.

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New technologies improve personalization, capture and manage user data in real-time, deliver increasingly personalized interactions and deliver a better digital experience. Managers shared the characteristics that a technology solution should have to improve the digital experience. Along these lines, they highlight features such as ease of integration with other solutions, performance, flexibility or cost. They also focused on security, “reliability delivered by a supplier is a deciding factor in choosing a solution”.

Rafael Lewis, Sales Engineers Global Director D Liferay, “Technology solutions such as Digital Experience Platforms have evolved to provide flexibility and an open ecosystem that streamlines and manages the processes of omnichannel customers’ digital experience across all touch points. Access to a cloud platform that integrates a company’s various technologies provides the means necessary to improve operations with agility and allows it to respond efficiently and seamlessly to market changes.

Xavier Del Rio, Business Development Director D principal, It has focused on the value of combining technology with personalized therapy. “Digitalization is necessary to improve customer service in the healthcare industry, but in some cases it is important to combine it with personal support to provide a unified, seamless and omnipresent experience.” On the other hand, in the process of training teams in adopting new technologies, “it is very valuable to provide employees with practical cases and real experiences with data and arguments, so that they feel the value of the technological solution. It is also necessary to identify people who may show the greatest resistance to change, especially to work with them”.

Making sense of digitization

Presenting connected experiences to the customer and integrating the relationship with them across all touch points is key to providing them with an omnichannel experience. Engagement. In this sense, using digitization meaningfully and supporting personalized treatment when the situation calls for it is key to strengthening the relationship with the customer. Paul White, Operational Risk Manager / CISO’s Caminos Group, He explained, “Sometimes, the customer shows some resistance to carry out certain transactions through the digital channel, especially in the banking sector, for this reason technology is complemented with a solvent customer service support, which transmits security and trust.”.

“Digitalization must translate into efficiency,” he stressed Karen Thorett, Digital I Head of Customer Experience, Ecommerce d Sir, And, “The key to delivering a good omnichannel experience is in being able to adapt to each customer’s personality and provide them with the most appropriate channel according to their needs. Digitalization is a strategic partner that helps simplify processes, but for its successful implementation, it requires teams internally and aiming to improve the end customer experience.” It is important to understand the value that comes in. In this sense, he mentioned the importance of adjusting and personalizing the messages that the company sends to its employees, “It is important to be creative to attract the attention of the internal user. To address and encourage resistance to change teams to use certain technologies, it is necessary to adapt the message and guide the communication, showing the functions and benefits of the technology solution that allows each department to accelerate their operation.

Pedro GarciaHead of Channels Digital & IT D Vodafone, “Digitalization exists in organizations, but it often develops independently and in silos due to resistance to change on the part of teams,” he pointed out. In this sense, it is a great challenge to face an organizational transformation to integrate digital processes in the entire organization in order to work in an aligned manner based on common objectives. Likewise, he points out the value of “implementing technology meaningfully, identifying processes and customer segments, and, based on that, using the channel that allows the delivery of the experience. Optimized and customized”.

David MartinezTribe Lead Bank Infra & Cloud Migration Program Director D ING Live, cited flexibility as the key to optimal care in terms of user experience. “Customer needs and preferences change on a continuous basis, which is why a company can quickly identify different customer profiles, current and future, to adapt to change and deliver a digital experience that differentiates itself. Expectations.” Likewise, he highlights the value of “not being afraid of failure and betting on a method”. ‘Start Small’ Testing new implementations incrementally, with small tests that allow for gradual modification of the solution.

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On the other hand, decision makers have shared trends that mark the evolution of digital experiences and highlighted data analytics as a highly valuable asset to improve the personalization of the customer experience. Likewise, they noted the importance of automated tests to make decisions based on results and emphasized the need to combine automation with user testing of new implementations, to measure usability and provide better assurance.

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