Ministry of Economy and Public Finance

Ministry of Economy and Public Finance

This proposal proposes a plan for community action without the presence of the state and its role to regulate and advance an overburdened neoliberalism that returns natural resources to private hands.


La Paz, June 25, 2023 (MEFP).- The Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, warned last week that the proposal for the political constitution of the state raised by Gonzalo Sánchez de Lozada aims to re-privatize natural resources and reduce the state’s role in the economy. of the country.

“I don’t think Kony wrote it, it’s a proposal from many people involved in this project, but the gist of it is to capture natural resources, especially lithium, which at the moment has a value of $ 42,000. Tons of lithium carbonate has been the goal of Konista elites to seize natural resources for transnational countries or an elite within the country” Minister warned.

He explained that 25% of the world’s lithium carbonate reserves are in Bolivia, and that these natural resources are attracting the interest of major powers to exploit and use them for the benefit of transnational countries.

The minister recalled that Laura Richardson, head of the US Southern Command, said she was concerned about the lithium triangle with the presence of Chinese and Russian companies in countries with large lithium reserves.

“The woman of the United States Southern Command and a senator said that they have lost control of the backyard, we have our technical metals, there is the energy triangle, we are losing control to allow the Chinese to enter the area. A model of re-entry with the aim of taking over natural resources”, Montenegro noted.

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Currently, Bolivia uses a lithium exploitation program with sovereign principles and strategic partnerships with international companies that help exploit lithium with modern technology.

The model of economic governance proposed by Coney is a return to neoliberalism, and the state will simply play a regulatory role without the ability to formulate economic policies for the benefit of the people.

The Manufacturing Community Socioeconomic Model (MESCP), in place since 2006, redistributes income, applies social policies, diversifies the production base and develops the internal market with public investment to boost the country’s economy.

“They want to eliminate all the share of the state to return to the old neoliberal state, where the little friends gave shares on the boards of companies like AFPs, where the little friends stepped in to buy a share from the Bolivian and then they appeared. With 20%, they want to reuse that distribution plan in the past,” he said. The economic chief declared.

Through the application of the MESCP, economic growth is projected to average 4.7% between 2006 and 2019 and 4.8% between 2021 and 2022. As of May 2023, Bolivia is among the ten countries with the lowest inflation in the world.

Through the redistribution of income, extreme and moderate poverty has been reduced, the unemployment rate has decreased, and there has been significant improvement in social indicators.


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