How to make best friends, according to Harvard

Currently, no one is in a position to reject more or Close friends. Studies have shown that loneliness is on the rise and more people lack close friends or meaningful relationships, which can negatively impact physical and mental health and happiness.

truly, Harvard Conducted a study over 70 years, it says The secret to our happiness Having good friends helps people stay social and active, which improves quality of life and can add years.

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But making friends is not only for living longer, but also the perfect antidote to stress, fatigue and boring routines, when things don’t go well, they are points of support and can turn a bad day 180 degrees. Necessary at all times of life.

Yes, making friends as an adult is difficult, but it’s not impossible, especially if you have the right tools.

How to make best friends, according to Harvard

The experts Harvard They talked a lot about what could be done To make friends or strengthen relationshipsAnd everything they mentioned has some tips which are easy to follow and apply.


If you can make friends, with these tips

Look for shared activities

Harvard says networking events or events designed to meet people aren’t the best option. Searching is recommended shared functions, Like volunteering, you try to do things as a group to achieve something together because it gives you a reason to talk to other people and want to know more about them.

In addition, the Acts of Generosity They are good for your mental health and make you a better person. It is not just about volunteering, any activity can be undertaken with a goal and everyone should participate to achieve it.

Take the class

Establishing a relationship or friendship is very easy People you have something in common with. Taking a class puts you in the same place as people who are looking for you or have similar interests, and can turn that space into an opportunity to make friends.

Science says you need to spend 50 to 200 hours with someone as a friend, but you don’t have to share space, you just have to break the ice and try to have a conversation with others. That you don’t have many friends in class.

Dare to use the network of friends you already have

A good way To meet people They can become your friends and take advantage of the friends you already have.

It’s not about using them, it’s about asking for their help to meet more people, knowing that your friends of friends have a better chance of hooking up with you, and the process becomes easier when there’s an intermediary. Your faith.

Take advantage of the people you see every day

Which people do you see every day? These people can become your friends. Harvard says it’s a good idea to take advantage of workplaces, for example, because that’s where you’ll spend most of your time, and it can help you reach 200 hours per person. A close friend.

Your office companion He may be a fan of the same movies as you, he may like the same sports or share interests and tastes, but you won’t know if you don’t start talking to him and dare to ask questions.

Listen with empathy

Can hear It is an essential tool for building friendships and relationships of all kinds. Psychology says that everyone wants to feel heard and that the people they’re talking to are interested in what they have to say, so they can lower their guard and be more open to making friends.

Therefore, you should listen without trying to interrupt, try to understand what they are telling you, and put yourself in other people’s shoes.

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