Calendar in Peru (September 2023) | When is the next holiday of the year? Answers

Throughout the year we can see more and more holiday It contains Calendar, these are special days when the workers of the entire country can rest and do things that they would not normally be able to do because of the economic dynamics they work in. In this sense, in this note we will tell you what holidays will be in Peru this June, along with other information you need to know about this information.

2023 Holidays in Peru

To date, there are only 7 official holidays in the country, which are:

  • January 1: New year
  • April 6: Holy Thursday
  • April 7: Holy Friday
  • May 1: labor day
  • June 29: St. Peter and St. Paul
  • July 23: Peruvian Air Force Day
  • July 28 and 29: National holidays
  • August 6: June’s War
  • August 30: Santa Rosa de Lima
  • October 8: Battle of Angamos
  • November 1: All saints
  • December 8: Immaculate concept
  • December 9: Battle of Ayacucho
  • December 25: Christmas

August 30 is a holiday

Wednesday, August 30, holiday due to religious observance Santa Rosa de Lima. Although Peru is officially secular, Catholicism is one of the most practiced territories, and our country declares holidays such as Holy Week as public holidays. And this August, who’s in the spotlight? Patron Saint of America, the Indies and the Philippines.

Isabel Flores de Oliva was born in 1586 in Lima. Being secular, he did not follow any religion, but his work towards others won him the admiration of his fellow citizens. After him Died August 24, 1617It took years before it was declared an exception Patroness of Peru, New World and Philippines in 1671 to him Pope Clement X.

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On the other hand, Santa Rosa de Lima is also considered the patron saint of Peru’s National Police. The title was officially announced on September 18, 1989.By Supreme Decree 27-89, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano.

About holidays

days holiday Days indicated by law (Article 6 of DL No. 713), on which the worker has the right to rest, such rest is paid.

Workers receive a normal wage equal to one day’s work, and it is paid in direct proportion to the number of days actually worked. labor dayOne day’s wages will be paid unconditionally.

If he Worker If you work on holidays without alternative rest, you are entitled to be paid the wages related to the work carried out with 100% surcharge.

Similarly, the works are not considered to have been done holiday Non-working, when the work shift starts on a working day and ends on a working holiday.

Official Holidays of Peru:

● New Year (January 1).

● Holy Thursday and Good Friday (movable).

● Labor Day (May 1).

● Saint Peter and Saint Paul (June 29).

● Peruvian Air Force Day (July 23).

● National holidays (July 28 and 29).

● Santa Rosa de Lima (August 30).

● Battle of Angamos (October 8).

● All Saints (November 1).

● Immaculate Conception (December 8).

● Lord’s Christmas (December 25).

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