Disturbing discovery that suggests global warming is being influenced by space – teach me about the science

Over the years, global warming has been attributed to the creation of greenhouse gases, the greenhouse effect that is a product of pollution, and excessive deforestation caused by human activities.

However, scientists have discovered that man is not entirely responsible for global warming, as it is influenced by space, which has worried the entire scientific community.

Scientists have made this shocking discovery University of Sydney In Australia and Sorbonne University In France and Published Recently in the journal ScienceNatural communication”.

In the article, experts note that our neighbor planet Mars and our planet Earth experience strong gravitational forces that contribute to global warming and other climate and oceanic patterns affecting Earth.

To carry out this study, scientists applied spectral analysis to a set of data gathered from more than half a century of information from various satellites and maps of the planet's deep water sediments.

One of the notable effects of the gravitational pull between Earth and Mars is a change in Earth's oceans and deep water currents, causing a peculiar signal interrupted by episodes of tectonic forcing named “The Great Astronomical Cycle”.

That is, this effect causes the erosion of sediments on the bottom of the sea and causes extremes of strange events, isolation and climate change during the 2.4 million year warming cycle for the planet.

We were surprised to find these 2.4 million-year cycles in our deep-sea sediment data. There is only one way to explain them: they are connected to the rotations of Mars and Earth in relation to the Sun.“, explained the author of the article, Adriana Dutkiewicz Report from the University of Sydney.

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Image credit: Meteorites

Seas most affected by seafloor erosion caused by interactions between Mars and Earth are reported to be in the South Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South Pacific, scientists note in the study.

Although these results are puzzling, they can be seen from another point of view, in which the influence of the gravitational force exerted by Mars on Earth could help counteract the effects of global warming on the deep waters of the oceans.

The effects of warming attributed to Mars would help maintain the activity of ocean currents, which would counteract the effects of human-induced global warming.“Mention Dutkiewicz.

On the other hand, these gravitational interactions between Earth and Mars are associated with high solar energy and a warmer climate on the planet, which coincides with Earth's approach and distance from the Sun.

On the other hand, Dietmar Müller, a scientist from the University of Sydney's Faculty of Earth Sciences, co-authored the paper.Gravitational interactions between the planets of the Solar System bring Earth closer to the Sun to increase exposure to solar radiation, causing climate warming.”.

This paper is a precursor to future research looking for a way to explain all the effects of interactions between Mars and Earth and to actually verify the effect of Earth's global warming.

In addition, it opens up a new field of research for the scientific community, where the climate of our planet Earth is influenced by the Moon and Mars, as well as by other celestial bodies.

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