Find out the happiest country in Latin America, the answer will surprise you Answers

The World Happiness Report Committee aims to measure the mood of people in today's world and the effects it has on daily life, and each year, its ranking Updated from Happiest Countries in the World.

To create its list, the company uses the results of assessments made by the Gallup World poll, which is divided into six “categories”: the cost of rent, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom to make life decisions and, finally , levels of corruption.

But to find out which are the happiest countries in the world, the survey asked one key question: “Overall, how satisfied are you with your life right now?” When faced with this question, people are asked to select a number on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 represents dissatisfaction and 10 represents complete satisfaction.

In this way, the list of the happiest countries in the world emerged, which includes 137 countries and includes some Latin races. In this sense, we highlight the Latin American nation with the most rewarding lifestyle and tell you which are the happiest countries in Latin America.

What is the happiest country in Latin America?

According to the 2023 report of the World Happiness Report, Costa Rica It is the happiest country in the Latin American region, ranked 23rd in the world. In second place would be Uruguay, which ranks 28th on the list and is considered the happiest country in South America.

According to AD magazine, the top 10 happiest countries in Latin America are rounded out, in descending order: Chile, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, Brazil, El Salvador, Argentina and Honduras.

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What is the ranking of the happiest countries in South America?

  1. Uruguay | Rank 28
  2. Chile | Rank 35
  3. Brazil | Rank 49
  4. Argentina | Rank 52
  5. Paraguay | Position
  6. Bolivia | Rank 69
  7. Colombia | Rank 72
  8. Ecuador | Rank 74
  9. Peru | Rank 75
  10. Venezuela | Rank 88

Which are the 10 happiest countries in the world?

For the sixth year in a row, Finland has been ranked the happiest country in the world, winning the title for the sixth year in a row. The people living in Finland were very happy with the life they live, because the majority answered the question “In general, what is your level of satisfaction with your life right now?” answered the question with a satisfaction score of 10.

That is, the top 10 happiest countries in the world are:

  • Finland | #1
  • Denmark | Number 2
  • Iceland | #3
  • Switzerland | No. 4
  • Netherlands | Number 5
  • Luxembourg | #6
  • Sweden | Number 7
  • Norway | Number 8
  • Israel | #9
  • New Zealand | Number 10

Which are the 10 countries in the world that appear at the bottom of the happiness rankings?

The last two places are occupied by Middle Eastern countries, before them eight places are occupied by African countries. That is, the territories that appear below in the ranking of the happiest countries in the world:

  • Zambia | No. 128
  • Tanzania | Number 129
  • Comoros | Number 130
  • Malawi number 131
  • Childhood | Number 132
  • Democratic Republic of Congo | Number 133
  • Zimbabwe | Number 134
  • Sierra Leone | Number 135
  • Lebanon | Number 136
  • Afghanistan | Number 137

The complete ranking of the happiest countries in the world can be found below .

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