If there is no oxygen in space, why does the sun burn? – Teach me about science

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Many people think that the sun is a burning ball of fire Millions of Kilometers of our planetIt comes like this Its light and heat It must be given life through the process of photosynthesis. But once again, science unravels one of the questions posed by both Internet users Like people in general: Does the sun really burn? Why does he do it if he thinks so? That there is no oxygen In space?

You might say “It's transparent, it's not fire!” We get it, you're definitely a fan of astronomy and the thermodynamic principles that govern the universe. Astros, stars, comets etc. But the truth is that many people think so Our Raja Nakshatra burns on fire Wood or paper burns on earth and our work must reveal it true Based on science, we will answer it Interesting to hear

First, it's important to understand what exactly happens in the core of the Sun CorHe Sol subject to conditions serious of temperature Y Pressure Allow nuclear reactions to occur, especially nuclear fusion. This nuclear fusion causes hydrogen atoms to fuse together to form helium, releasing enormous amounts of helium. sizes of Energy In the process. It's a completely different reaction Combustion as we know it on Earth involves oxygen and produces carbon dioxide and water.

Why does the absence of oxygen in space prevent this nuclear fusion?

The answer is there Nature Like this one reaction. When burning on earth needed Oxygen to feed FuegoThe Nuclear fusion It contains Sol Based on Energy of particles Loaded interacts at high temperatures and pressures, without the need for oxygen.

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To better understand this process, let's imagine Cor of Sol Like a big pressure cooker. Inside, atoms Hydrogen They are moving Speed Unbelievable due to Extreme heatColliding and merging with each other Atoms of Helio. This is process Free Energy In the form of electromagnetic radiation, it finally reaches Earth in the form of light and heat.

Atomic fusion states

The nuclear fusion cycle in the Sun is very complex and can be divided into several stages. First, four hydrogen nuclei, called protons, combine To create a helium nucleusPublishes Two protons Y Energy In the process. This energy is released in the form of High energy photons, Who then traveled from The core of the Sun towards its surface.

As these photons travel By of outer layers of Solinteractions with atoms and particles gifts, Losing your energy in the process. This tour is overBecause radiation moves slowly and dynamically, it takes thousands of years through dense layers of gas Sol.

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Finally, when radiation reaches surface of the sun, It is released into space in the form of light and heat. This is Energy Radiation Speeding through space luz and reach Tierra Roughly 8 minutes and 20 secondsMakes light and heat possible Photosynthesis in us Plants Hence, giving life In practice Everything the planet.

understand will work Interior Sol And complex Nuclear reactions Walking into its core allows us to understand it in a way Simple and without Very much Mathematical or thermodynamic buzz, compliment The real reason Why our star burns and is incredible sum of Energy Creates to sustain life on our planet.

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So, after reading this, now you know It's not huge “Fireball”, but a massive star with nuclear fusion-type reactions at its inner core.

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