June 7 holiday in Peru: Congress approves autograph insistence | Peru

Despite the opposition of the Executive Committee, the Republican Congress approved by insistence the alternative text proposed for the Proclamation. June 7 is a non-working and paid national holiday.

With more than 105 votes in favor and 0 votes against, the Legislature green-lighted the Labor Commission’s attempt to amend Article 6 of Legislative Decree 713. New holiday This applies to workers subject to the labor regime of private activity.

Additionally, it is offered as new National non-working and paid holiday It covers all public institutions and organizations in the country, without prejudice to their respective labor regimes.

read more: Confusion between holidays, tourism and GDP cooking in Congress

read more: Mincetur prepares a “calendar” of holidays: it bets on “bridges”.

Within a period not to exceed thirty calendar days from the effective date of this Act, the Executive Branch shall modify the provisions of Legislative Decree 713 as approved by Supreme Order 012-92-TR.

Peru already had 14 paid holidays, which, in addition to holidays, added up to 44 days of unpaid work days for workers. According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), Peru is set to become the country with the most holidays in the worldLike Chile and leaving Colombia, it hurts competitiveness at a time when productivity needs to be raised.

While companies in the tourism sector indicated that the move would benefit them due to increased public visits, exporters, for example, expressed excessive labor costs due to serving foreign customers and meeting deadlines.

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