Laser Dentistry: Innovative Technology Continues to Grow in Peru | Teeth and Gums | Jose Perez Yance | America Dent Clinic | Painless surgery | Erbium Chrome | Life

This tool is used for gum surgeries, periodontics, endodontics, heat sensitivity treatment and teeth whitening.

He Laser It is an energy source that brings many benefits when applied to organic structures like ours Teeth and gumsWithout causing any damage to our tissues.

This technology has entered various fields of dentistry such as hard and soft tissue treatments, post-operative pain and inflammation reduction.

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A dental surgeon specializing in implantology at America Dent Clinic, Dr. Jose Pérez Yance pointed out that there are different types of lasers and that it depends on the tissue and dental treatment being given to the patient because they do not require stitches. No bleeding, no postoperative pain.

These methods are more common in the case of soft tissue, where low-power and therapeutic diode lasers are used to perform treatments such as crown lengthening or frenectomy.

Application of the laser to the patient.

Laser application is also used in endodontic procedures because it reduces the traditional failures of odontics and shortens healing time and reduces the potential complications of pain and inflammation in implants.

The magneto laser is essential because it helps to accelerate the speed of healing and bone integration of the implant, as well as to regenerate bones, muscles and tendons.

In the same way, Dr. Jose Perez pointed out that Peru already has a disease for hard tissue treatments such as teeth and bone. Chrome erbium laser It allows to cut or remove carious tissue painlessly, without the need to use anesthesia and to remove only the damaged tissue and preserve the healthy one.

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