Peruvian congressman arrives in Russia for event with Putin | Saljuana | Monteza | Madinah | Taipei | Monteza | | principle

Amboy Peru21 was able to access photos of Elizabeth Medina (Black Magisterial), Eduardo Saljuana (ABP), Silvia Monteza and Carol Paredes (not in group) and Elizabeth Taibe (Peru Libre) arriving in Russia to participate in an event in the country’s parliament, which will include its president, Vladimir Putin. , we present them below.

Bar: There are 13 passengers with Guillermo Bermejo. Ukraine also sends its invitation

In the first photo, Zalhuana, Paredes and Taibe are smiling upon arrival at a Moscow airport. In the other picture, Medina and Montesa can be seen with a good look.

In our edition this Friday, we reveal that 13 members of Congress from various groups have traveled to Russia to participate in the ‘Russia-Latin America’ Parliamentary Conference inaugurated today by Russian President Vladimir Putin. , and ends next Monday, October 2nd.

Elizabeth Medina and Silvia Montesa can be seen in this picture, with a good look. (Photo: Perú21)

This Thursday, Guillermo Bermejo Rojas (Cambio Democrático) and Kira Algaraz Aguero (Vamos Pero) were added to the list of 11 traveling congressmen. Both departed en route to Panama and Turkey. Bermejo Rojas traveled even as the National Prosecutor’s Office investigated events related to the renovation operators case.

Also, ‘Che’ is no stranger to Slavic friendships. Bermejo met with far-left Denis Rogadyuk, the author of the billionaire kidnapping of Bolivian businessman Samuel Doria Medina, who financed the takeover of the Japanese embassy, ​​and former member of the MRTA, Martín Serna Ponce, in Mexico. On September 22, 2022, during an unauthorized trip to Mexico City.

Another picture of the visit of the spokesperson of the magisterial block (Photo: Perú21)

Serious Contradictions

Notably, some of the traveling congressmen also condemned the Russian aggression against Ukraine in March 2022. The story is as follows. On March 1, 2022, a full session of Congress failed to pass a resolution rejecting Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because it did not reach the required votes.

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Maria del Carmen Alva, then President of Congress, explained to the media that the motion was 54 votes in favor, 23 against, and 26 abstentions.

If you review the vote, there are contradictions between the way they voted and the way they support it today. In 1990 Eduardo Saljuana (Madre de Dios) and Edith Julón (Cajamarca) from the United Left voted overwhelmingly in favour; Silvia Monteza (Cajamarca) and Carol Paredes (San Martín) who are not in the group (ex-Popular Action) did not vote: Kira Algaras of Podemos (ex-Somos Peru) did not respond.

Those who voted against and remained staunchly pro-Russian were librarian Elizabeth Taibe; Unaffiliated (ex-Peru Libre) Jaime Quito (Arequipa) and Silvana Robles (Jun); and from the Magisterial Block, Elizabeth Medina (Huanuco) and Segundo Quiroz (Cajamarca). Absent that day were Perulibrists Kelly Portalatino (Ancash), Abel Reyes (Huanuco) and Guillermo Bermejo (Lima) of Cambio Democrático.

They all eat caviar in Moscow now. In 2022, according to the Comptroller’s Office, the 10 regions with the most corruption were Ancash, Piura, Junin, Puno, Loreto and Lima.

Soto Procrania

On September 6, Ambassador Yuri Polyukovich met with Congress President Alejandro Soto, who thanked him for “condemning Russian aggression” and supporting the cause of “peace in Ukraine, its territorial integrity and the restoration of its sovereignty.”

In addition, the diplomat said, “Ukraine hopes to see representatives of the Peruvian Congress at the Crimean Forum Summit,” inviting Soto to the “Second Parliamentary Summit of the International Crimean Forum on October 24” in Prague. Will Soto attend that call?

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