S/700 Bonus for Artisans: Link to List of Beneficiaries

Enter the link and check if you are one of the more than 47 thousand users. (Infobae/Production)

The Fishing industry According to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI), this year has seen significant ups and downs, falling by 21.39% between January and October. This decline in national fisheries due to climatic events such as Cyclone Yaku and El Nino phenomenon has affected the income of various sectors dependent on this activity. In this scenario, the government on December 14 approved the list of beneficiaries who will get bonus of 700 feet.

Further 47 thousand craftsmen are not on board, not on board They create an official list of beneficiaries for the bonus. To check if you are on the list, the Ministry of Production (Manufacturing) It has provided an option on its platform which only you have to enter Your ID number To verify. The link is as follows: https://bonopescadorartesanal.produce.gob.pe/.

Find out the registration requirements and time frames for collecting 700 soles. (Infobae/Management)

Standard published in official gazette A Peruvian (Ministerial Resolution N° 00424-2023-Manuf) establishes that the resolution is subject to prior compliance with the conditions specified in Emergency Ordinance No. 038-2023. In Article 3, it recognizes National Fisheries Development Fund (Fondepes) 700 soles to grant grants unless the artisan presents the following conditions:

1. Artisan fisherman want Exercise regularly Action said In accordance with the provisions of the regulations of the General Fisheries Law approved by the Supreme Decree of 012-2001.

2. Artisan fisherman want will be included in Register of Beneficiaries Artisanal Fishermen, Emergency Ordinance no. 038-2023 referred to in Article 4.

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3. Artisan fisherman should not Others may benefit Social projects.

Section 4 of the Emergency Ordinance: Approval of List of Beneficiaries. (Republican Congress, Emergency Ordinance)

Emergency Ordinance No. According to Article 5 of 038-2023, the time limit for the payment of bonuses exceeds the allocated budget amount. 33 million solesare structured as follows.

Initially, max 20 days The calendar is counted from the entry into force of the aforementioned Emergency Decree for the approval of the Register of Beneficiaries of Craftsmen. After the approval, a maximum of ten calendar days will be counted from the approval of the above list of beneficiaries for the commencement of disbursement of the financial grant.

As mentioned above, the registration was approved on December 14 Within ten days, the issuance of bonds will begin. These charges of artisans maintain a term It will be effective till February 28 next year (2024)

The bonus is aimed at helping the artisanal fisheries sector after a year of various problems as outlined in the Khan Panch Macroeconomic Restructuring Plan. (Motion: Infopay Peru)

He Fonteps It will be the organization responsible for disbursing the financial grant 700 solesDistributed by National Bank. It is also worth clarifying that this will be carried out without commission or administrative costs.

The grant is aimed at mitigating various negative impacts faced by artisanal fishers in the past year like Cyclone Yaku, El Niño event etc. Abnormal waves And its Effects on the country's economy.

Pursuant to the emergency decree approving the granting of bonuses for fishermen, the government has authorized the transfer of items in the corresponding public sector budget for the fiscal year 2023, totaling S/ 33 million 294 thousand 100, which was set to be documented. 059: National Fisheries Development Fund (FONDEPES).

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This transfer is to support the provision of the economic subsidy described in Article 3 of the Emergency Decree for the benefit of artisanal fishermen listed in the register of beneficiaries referred to in Article 4 of the same Emergency Decree. It should be noted that this practice is carried out under the organizational budget of the Ministry of Production.

The Artisanal fishing In Peru it is an activity carried out by local fishermen using traditional methods and small boats. Also, this type of fishing is mainly aimed at self-consumption and the local or national market. This regulation is to guarantee the sustainability of species and the balance of aquatic ecosystems.

In contrast, other types of fishing, such as industrial fishing, use larger vessels and more advanced technology with the capacity for longer-term operations and significantly larger catch volumes. This approach is aimed at export and large-scale resources.

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