Stunning video shows the Sun’s atmosphere, never before seen

The sun's atmosphere
Image of the Sun’s atmosphere taken by ESA. | Photo: ESA.

The scientists European Space Agency (ESA) managed to capture Video Incredible pictures Sun’s atmosphere At extreme UV wavelengths. Until now, this has been almost impossible to do.

Los Pictures Captured with the help of a camera Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUI) of Solar Orbiter A last-minute ‘trick’ on the camera invented a new mode of operation.

According to experts, during construction Extreme Ultra Violet Imager, Provides high resolution images of structures The Sun’s atmosphere or corona, there was a last minute change. A modification to the safety door on the front of the instrument allowed it to look deeper into its target area than originally specified.

A modification is to add a small protruding “thumb” weighing a few grams to the door of the instrument. When sliding the door to let light into the room, if it stops halfway, the thumb will cover the shiny disc. Sol. This allows the EUI to be detected Ultraviolet light A million times weaker than the surrounding corona.

The researchers refer to this as “the trick.” “Hidden Mode of Operation”.

“We’ve proven that it works very well, and now we can take on a new type of tool Images of both the Sun and the Corona around it,” said Daniel Müller, ESA’s program scientist for the Solar Orbiter.

He “Hidden Mode” allowing scientists to look deeper Sun’s atmosphere. Also, this area is usually obscured by traditional coronagraphs.

Now, however, the EUI occultist can easily visualize this little-explored area. Testing with EUI hider has been running since 2021.

What is seen in the video taken from the Sun’s atmosphere?

Pictures show a Ultraviolet image of the Sun’s corona Taken with hidden implementation of EUI.

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In the center, in the area that Mystic Left blank, there is an overlay Ultraviolet image of the solar disk. The picture Solar disk ’s work was picked up by Stereo NASA, who saw Sol from almost the same direction Solar Orbiter. This means that surface properties have a good correlation with surface properties. Corona

In the past, the Images of the Sun’s corona They are taken with special instruments called coronagraphs. For example, coronagraph Solar Orbiter is called Medes. The value of this new approach is that the coronagraph and camera can be combined into one instrument.

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