Venezuelan Immigrant Goes Viral After Revealing What He Couldn’t Do in Peru | Viral


Learn about the strange story of a Venezuelan woman living in Peru who, despite her stubbornness, was unable to fulfill her greatest desire.

Inspiring experiences of Venezuelan immigrants There are many people who have found new hope in Peru. A moving story stands out among the most recent stories featuring a young woman from the plains who shares one of her unfulfilled desires since arriving in the country in 2019. You cannot miss this fascinating adaptation story. New life.

Case in point with influencer ‘@mairygarcor’, she says it in just 6 seconds. Throughout his stay in Peru, he was unable to ride the Lima Metro, a public transportation system by electric train, widely used for its speed to travel through various districts.

“Been in Peru for 4 years and still can’t sit on a train”Mary says she immediately received conflicting opinions from Internet users on the platform and their possible theories about how she could achieve it.

“Wait a little longer. From the age of 60 you can sit as many times as you want”, “I was born in Peru, I never sat down”, “I even learned to sleep upright”, “I live in Lima, I have never climbed”Some reactions from internet users.

When was electric train opened?

On July 11, 2011, an electric train called Metro de Lima 1 opened. Lines 2 and 3 are currently under construction and are part of an urban plan that will include 9 lines in the future. It will tour the entire city of Metropolitan Lima.

TROME | Interview by Lorena Alvarez

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