In search of life in space: What is the role and how does the James Webb Space Telescope work?

In search of life in space: What is the role and how does the James Webb Space Telescope work?

A new discovery by the world’s most famous telescope comes closer to solving humanity’s greatest mystery since observing the stars: Are we alone in the universe?

Herbig-Harrow 211 was located by the James Webb Space Telescope. Photo: X @NASAWebb.

The latest discoveries of NASA scientists are going around the world Nebula NGC635In the constellation of Scorpio, may be a suitable place for life. This intriguing discovery is possible Space telescope James Webb or JWST (abbreviated in English), is an advanced tool Understand the possibility of life beyond Earth.

Recent research based on data from the James Webb Telescope revealed that Signs of extraterrestrial life 6000 light years away from earth. Its unique ability to analyze the atmospheres of planets outside our solar system and its ability to see in the infrared make it so. Key tool To explore the unknown.

This particular telescope detected significant amounts of substances such as carbon monoxide, acetylene, hydrogen cyanide, among an extensive list. Aqua In the region NGC6357.

James Webb.  Photo: REUTERSJames Webb. Photo: REUTERS.

Andreas Mogensen, astronaut.  Photo: X.

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The James Webb Telescope keys to the search for alien life

1. Consider the atmospheres of other planets: JWST is designed to probe the atmosphere around distant planets, looking for clues to possible life forms.

2. Search for habitable planets: By focusing on planets that may have conditions suitable for life, it expands our possibilities for finding habitable worlds.

3. Look for signs of life: JWST is trying to detect chemical signals that indicate the presence of life, such as gaseous forms, in the atmospheres of these distant planets.

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4. Use a special display– Your ability to “see” in the infrared allows you to study these planets in a unique way and better understand what is happening in their atmosphere.

5. Work as a team with other telescopes: Collaborating with other telescopes and space missions, it puts the pieces of the puzzle together to get a complete picture of space.

James Webb.  Photo: EFE.Image from the James Webb Telescope. Photo: EFE.

In short, the The James Webb Space Telescope It is an important tool in the search for life elsewhere in the universe. It helps to better understand the atmosphere of the planets Home to extraterrestrial life And this progress in exploring the universe connects us to it Mysteries Beyond our earth. Are we really alone in the universe or is there life beyond the universe? The Solar System?


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