Datum Survey: What are the positive and negative facts and characters of 2023?| Tina Poluiarte | Mario Vargas Llosa | Congress Approval | Economy | Economic development principle

Performance of Peruvian athletes Pan American Games Santiago 2023– 10 gold, 6 silver and 16 bronze medals were obtained (the second best participation of national representatives in this competition) – According to a survey conducted by Datum International for trade, 17% is the most favorable event of the year.

In this regard, Mabel Huertas, journalist and political analyst for 50 + 1, represents the idea of ​​”getting” athletes who are outside the support of the state, in the face of the crisis of representation that crosses the country. Ahead” despite suffering. That is why it is a positive aspect to highlight a sector of Peruvians.

There is a leadership crisis and we must have figures to unite us“, he said when contacted by this newspaper.

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Behind this fact, the former president Pedro Castillo (6%) is in detention, he was released last year in December after a coup d'état; and exiling former President Alejandro Toledo to answer for alleged bribes from Ottbrecht (3%).

(Infographic: El Comercio)

3% see the Universitario de Deportes winning the national football championship after a 10-year drought as a positive event, while 2% choose the central restaurant as the best in the world.

A national opinion poll indicated that 33% said there were no positive events in Peru this year, and 29% did not know.

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On the other hand, the most negative events in the country in 2023 are the increase in crime (24%), the increase in the price of goods (13%), the political and economic crisis (10), the continuous struggles of social welfare. (9%), the bonus given to Congress (8%), almost being kicked out of the soccer World Cup (5%) and in the Tina Boulvarte government (4%), among others.

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Only 6% think that no negative events have happened in Peru, while 17% don't know.

Political analyst Jeffrey Radzinski said it made it “very difficult” to find positive notes and issues. He said that while Peru has “experience” in going through crises, this is the first time the country has been in recession in more than 20 years.

“No wonder there is insecurity [el hecho] Very negative, we started the year badly and closed it even worse,” he insisted to El Comercio.

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Boluarte, negative character

In an assessment of his first year in office, President Poluarte Zegarra said his government had “achieved the democratic stability we need in the country” and that the achievement was thanks to “checks and balances” between powers. State. , 38% consider her the “negative character” of 2023.

According to an opinion poll for El Comercio, Boluarte was followed by former president Pedro Castillo and Keiko Fujimori, head of Fuerza Popular, with 11% and 8% respectively.

(Photo: GEC Archive)

Radzinski said the rejection of Bolvarde Zegara was “too much” compared to other politicians on the list of negative characters. He added that this is consistent with the high level of dissatisfaction with the President's administration. 85%, and his lowest approval, 9%.

We have to go back 20 years to find out [ese nivel de aprobación en un presidente]But 20 years ago the economy started to grow, but now there is a decline in the matter and crime is on the rise, it's a troubled time.“, the director of GFP told El Comercio.

For her part, Mabel Huertas pointed out that the head of state “lives with him to the truth and political and social demands”. He also insisted that he would be called upon to step up amid the leadership crises the country is facing. But he had “many faults and little self-criticism”.

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“She also made mistakes marked in the collective memory, like when she said that Bueno is not Peru or that we live in peace when it is not clear. This is something that should bother many citizens,” he said.

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Below Boluarte, Castillo and Fujimori, former coach of the Peruvian soccer team Juan Reynoso appears as a “negative character” with 5%. This is because the national team failed to win a single match in the 6 matches played between last September and November for the 2026 World Cup qualifiers to be held in USA, Mexico and Canada.

(Infographic: El Comercio)

Reynoso and Agustín Lozano, president of the Peruvian Football Federation (FPF), were the only representatives of the sport to appear in the 2023 survey of the most negative.

42% said that no Peruvian could be considered a positive character this year.

On the other hand, 5% indicated that Mario Vargas Llosa, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, was the positive character of the year. Behind the writer are the captain of the Peruvian football team Paulo Guerrero (4), the chef Gaston Agurio (3), the Central Reserve Bank (PCR), Julio Velarde (2), the tenant Juan Diego Flores. (2%) and former President Castillo (2%).

42% said no one should be chosen as the positive character of the year, while 26% were undecided.

Estimated cost of year-end parties

Datum Survey for Trade

According to Datum's opinion poll, Peruvians spend an average of S/434 on a year-end vacation. In 2022, the average was S/493.

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Urbi Dorado's Complex Social Scene Facing 2024

New achievements and positive news are needed to rekindle pride among Peruvians.

We end the year facing worrying statistics and a complex social situation. If we look beyond the classic questions of popularity and current situation, two-thirds of Peruvians do not identify any positive role that has stood out in this past year. Likewise, there is a lot of scatter between the characters mentioned, and although the question is broad and not limited to the political level, nothing stands out. Conversely, more than half of the population points to a politician in the top three negative characters of the year and the percentage of people who cannot point to a name is significantly reduced. The same trend is seen when we hear about the most important events of 2023. The positive ones are related to sports and gastronomy, while the negative ones are concentrated in politics, economic crisis and citizen insecurity. It stands out that a third of the citizens do not see any positive events and a similar number cannot mention anything.

Forecasts only measure the temperature of the moment and even if it is negative, we can read it in terms of prospects for 2024. There is room for new references to be made and inspiring leaders to emerge. New achievements and positive news are needed to rekindle pride among Peruvians. Likewise, there is an openness to change and a willingness to support reforms that contribute to creating a better future. Finally, the Peruvian bets on his work, his creativity and drive to progress, that he plays his game and will continue to play his game for Peru.

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