Traders expressed concern about restructuring

Traders expressed concern about restructuring

After more than a dozen meetings with labor unions and employers in search of a no-deal, the government this Friday set the minimum wage for 2024 by decree. $1,300,000, which is a 12.07% increase over current. Transportation aid, for its part, was limited to $162,000, representing an increase of 15.2%.

The government's announcement triggered an immediate reaction from business associations. “After a month of talks, We did not reach a consensus Andy's president Bruce MacMaster said. Amidst the debate, we insisted on considering the decline in economic activity, unabated unemployment and high interest rates held by the Republic Bank due to inflation.

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In a joint statement, the unions said it was “unfortunate” that their arguments were not accepted by other members of the commission to coordinate pay and labor policies.

“We reveal Our concern about consequences In a message signed by unions such as Andi, Fenalco, SAC or Agobi, “Whatever increase is mandated based on the economic recovery and inflation affecting Colombian families.

(Also: How much is a day's work worth with a 12.07% increase in the minimum wage in 2024?)

Although the number proposed by the unions was not previously made public, in the statement they revealed what cards they were able to put on the table for negotiation.

“In the process of a series of bilateral meetings we had with the Minister of Labor over the last month, on our proposal, and with the aim of reaching a consensus, we arrived at a final figure of 11.5%, which we believe is a bit higher than what we believe. We would have considered optimal from the point of view Economic comfort for all Colombians. However, this figure is not accepted by the schedule,” the unions pointed out.

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Merchants recognized “Demonstrated Willingness to Accept” Minister Gloria Inés Ramírez and the national government also indicated the need to continue the downward trend. inflammationPromote the reactivation of the economy “which is in a very strong recession” and create the necessary conditions to create jobs, thereby curbing the number of unemployed in the country.

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