Venezuela Election 2024 | Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia | MUD manages to register candidacy for presidential election | Maria Corina Machado | Corina Yoris | PUD | Democratic Unity Platform | Nicolás Maduro | CNE | the world

National Electoral Council (CNE). Venezuela This Tuesday announced the registration by the Democratic Unity Roundtable (current Democratic Unitary Platform) of Eduardo González Urrutia as a candidate for the presidential election on July 28, after the alliance failed to nominate Corina Yoris, who was elected as María Corina. Machado was unable to compete due to disqualification.

Elvis AmorosoChairman CNEHe dropped the name first Edmond Gonzalez Urrutia In the list of registered candidates, then the party Democratic Unity Index (MUD)It absorbs current Democratic Unity Platform (PUD).

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Corina YorisRecommended by Maria Corina Machado As a candidate, was left No explanation has been given yet.

Venezuelan opposition leader María Corina Machado (left) gestures as Corina Yoris instead of the next presidential election. (Photo by Federico Parra/AFP).

The PUD confirmed in a statement “Temporary” registration Edward Gonzalez Urrutiaand clarified that he could not register his elected nomination.

“In response to our request Unitary platform Al National Election Council, On behalf of the party Table of Democratic UnityWe hereby inform the country that due to our inability to do so within the expected period, we have been informed by our electoral body that we have been notified by the electoral body that we have been denied access to the body. New hours were given to implement the process,” the PUD said in the statement.

“In this sense, since it is clearly impossible to register a candidacy chosen by democratic factors, to continue to fight for it, to guarantee that candidacy registration, and to stay on the electoral path, We have decided to provisionally register citizen Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Democratic Unity Party.To protect the exercise of political rights associated with our political system until we register our unitary candidature,” he concluded.

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The PUD Throughout the nomination process, which began last Thursday, a candidate could be registered after reprimanding -, Barriers to accessing the electoral system and registering a standardHe had requested for it CNE A three-day extension to “correct factual and legal irregularities in the process”.

Monday-Last Day of Registration-, The alliance said it had exhausted all avenues to register YorisIt does not involve disqualification or administrative sanction.

Until this Tuesday, MachadoThe winner of the October 22 primaries, He said his candidate was a historian.

Edmundo González Urrutia is an international researcher, diplomat and former Venezuelan ambassador to Argentina and Algeria..

According to CNE, Along with González Urrutia, 13 candidates are registered for the electionJoining Manuel Rosales, Luis Brito, Luis Ratti, Enrique Márquez, Benjamín Rausseo, Luis Eduardo Martínez, Daniel Ceballos, Antonio Ecarri, Juan Carlos Alvarado, Javier Bertucci, Claudio Fermín, Maduro and current head of state Maduro.

Likewise, the Chairman of the Election Commission, Elvis AmorosoA total of 37 political parties – some in alliances – nominated their candidates “without any restraint” during the five days the process lasted, according to Rector, despite repeated complaints from the main opposition group.

González Urrutia could be replaced from next MondayThere is no administrative sanction or prohibition contemplated by law, and the CNE accepts the nomination to amend it.

The formula for recommending a provisional candidate is common Venezuela and aims to 'guarantee' a place on the ballot.

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