The capital will have the latest technology in reading water meters

Hulva, 24 (Europe Press)

The people of Huelva have at their disposal an innovative remote reading system for water consumption, providing additional solutions to strengthen efficiency, comfort and assistance for vulnerable groups and the elderly. As the company in charge of managing the integrated water cycle in the capital, this is a new development in the digitization process of the distribution network managed by Aguas de Huelva, one of the great challenges set by the mayor of the city. , Pilar Miranda, to achieve quality, efficient and accessible public services.

An innovative system for remote and continuous meter management was launched, which allows constant control of water consumption, immediately detecting leaks, consumption peaks or improper uses, which means improving water consumption savings in the city. The first antennas have already been installed, paving the way for remote reading of all meters of each hydraulic sector, in which the city is divided into domestic, commercial and industrial.

Led by Huelva Mayor Pilar Miranda and Felipe Arias, First Deputy Mayor in charge of City Planning and Environment and President of Aguas de Huelva, along with the company’s Managing Director Pedro Peña and Customer Director José Manuel Marquez. ., presentation of this initiative.

Miranda celebrated, “The installation of these devices is another step towards the idea of ​​a smart city, a smart and sustainable city centered on people, for our city council together with Aguas de Huelva, because thanks to this system. Future monitoring of consumption in real time, therefore to achieve greater awareness and control over water use. “.

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In particular, communication devices with concentrators have been installed in four municipally owned buildings (Torrejon Football Stadium; La Morana Municipal Center; Diego Lopato Sports Center; and La Hispanidad Community Center). Some of the facilities included in the two teams already established in the city from the beginning, the Torrejon pumping station and the Aguas de Huelva headquarters.

In the words of the managing director of Aguas de Huelva, Pedro Peña, it is “an efficient remote meter reading system in real time that will allow the user to better consult and manage their water consumption at any time. Can be controlled from our systems in addition, any leakage prevention”.

Through the hydraulic sectorization of the districts that make up the neighborhoods of the city, the remote reading system feeds data with precise information that travels through certain concentrators and a central data collection is produced. ?

The initiative aims to provide an effective, close and sustainable response to the need for adaptation necessitated by the conditions imposed by climate change. The new digital services platform is used to monitor water consumption in real-time, for which there are sensors in drinking water networks that allow immediate and remote action, which is working properly.

Likewise, it is possible to obtain a constant record of consumption, detect leaks or incidents immediately, for their repair, misuse of resources, and encourage conservation. Remote reading allows a registered user on the company’s website to generate alarms related to the consumption received on their mobile, PC or tablet.

These are warnings not to exceed a certain number of cubic meters in weekly consumption, thereby reducing costs and encouraging water conservation; Warnings about continuous consumption, because if the meter does not stop marking for 24 hours, in all probability the user will have a malfunction or a leak at home, which is always associated with leaks from the tank.

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In this way, an activated alarm indicates the presence of excessive consumption in the customer’s installation, an interesting notification that, for example, alerts people with hearing loss through their own telephone in the event of a water leak.

José Manuel Márquez, director of customers, pointed out that “this commitment to digital transformation through remote reading will gradually be carried out to the rest of the municipality, so that, in the medium and long term, all the hydraulic sectors and the neighborhoods of the city are covered, reaching a large number of users through technology”.

Within the projects presented to PERTE #EcoCiudadDigital, the company’s strategic positioning in remote reading will allow the subsidization of 23,000 smart meters in Huelva homes, representing a 46% increase in the current number of meters. In the coming months, it is forecast that new meters will be installed in the Marchena Colombo, Fire Department, City Hall, FOE-Nuevo Mercado, Legión Española and the Municipal Headquarters of the City Council.

This innovation will enable a significant improvement in the digital management of this part of the integrated water cycle and by installing more concentrators and meters with smart technology, enable a remote reading system in new districts of the city. , which benefits from all its benefits up to 51.01% of the total population of the city of Huelva.

The aim is to advance the control of reading data, covering domestic, commercial and industrial supplies, to continue digital transformation in the medium and long term in all hydraulic sectors of the municipality.

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