New audios implicate Ciro Castillo in corruption scandal: “Give 150,000 soles” | principle

Ciro Castillo was embroiled in a serious corruption case for accepting bribes. Photo: Composition LR / Fabrizio Oviedo | Photo: Composition LR / Fabrizio Oviedo

In the “Panorama” report, the current regional governor of Calao, Dr. Cyrus CastilloA Corruption network Based on various entrepreneurship support schemes. In the leaked audios, the public officer is described as demanding a huge amount for the purpose. Benefit from some business group projects in Callao.

In a conversation that took place in May of this year, you can hear Castillo’s modus operandi when making a deal with a businessman and threatening him to get more money from his person. “I’m going to tell him, give him the 150,000 he gave you.”This is Ciro Castillo.

Likewise, the businessman concerned confirms The initial figure for closing the deal is 150,000 soles. The settlement amount was double. In the speech, Castillo points out that his former assistant Elvira Madalengoidea He alleged that he would not have given her any money, instead, she kept the entire financial amount. “She didn’t pay me a dime”, “Yes, but ask her to give you your money back. Find her, then bro”Other phrases left by the filtered audios.

The businessman who shared the audios has confirmed what they promised “Many irregularities” It indicates that you are willing to cooperate with the courts by providing evidence to prove these Corruption facts. “Yes, that’s why I’m going to cooperate, I’m a witness to what I’ve seen of many corrupt practices,” said the late businessman.

However, as he receives, he fears for his life Death threatsNot only for himself but also for his family. “They say they are going to make an attempt on my life to silence meHe said they are going to attack my family, they have a lot of power, they have resources.

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