Home Tech Technology. Maria Liss and her team incorporated new technology into their robot

Technology. Maria Liss and her team incorporated new technology into their robot

Technology.  Maria Liss and her team incorporated new technology into their robot

Students from the Upper Valley of Cochabambino scored a clean sweep in the departmental robotics competition as they bagged four spots to represent Lajda in the first global challenge to be held in La Paz on September 1 and 2. From this tournament will emerge the national team that will participate in the World Cup scheduled for October this year in Singapore.

María Liz Arias Rojas was one of the Bunata students who passed the national exam, along with her classmates Jennifer Felicia Surgi Orellana and Franco Fuentes Nunez from the Evo Morales Ayma Humanities Technical Education Center in that city.

A trio of students from Puno have qualified in the Disruptive Technologies category, with a multi-functional robot that, like the rest of the more than 70 finalists, has been developed with the aim of winning the competition and approaching the ecumenical competition.

Maria Liz, how did you get involved in robotics?

By our teacher who inspires and motivates us to participate in that event

What inspired you to create a robot with these characteristics?

In rescuing people and placing them in a safe place

What artifacts did they use to put it together?

An Arduino Uno, two wheels, three motors, an 8-channel relay, a Bluetooth module, Venisa, cables and a pressboard. Broom As a wooden broom is made from parts, assembly is made easy because it is only necessary to look at the design and assemble accordingly. In the last week we will only test the functionality, it can handle well and no failures

How do you complement your teammates?

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We have a lot of support between the three of us because we live together and have a lot of faith in each of us.

What is your main contribution to the team?

Support them unconditionally so that they don’t miss out on opportunities to advance. Even if we have less advantage, support them with a positive attitude.

What support do you have to implement your plan?

With financial and psychological support from our director Upton Surgi

What requirements does the Call for Technical Innovators have?

They demand responsibility and must always be active so that there are no competitive failures in the assembly of our robot

What arrangements do you make for a robot to participate in the National Robotics Competition?

They gave us a kit; We have to put it together and know how to control it.

How important is the robotic kit to the functioning of the robot?

This is very important because without the kit we don’t know how to connect it or how to handle it. If we don’t have the kit we can’t make the robot work

Which application do you use on your cell phone to control the robot’s movements?

Bluetooth VIP

According to the plan you have, what are your chances of qualifying for the World Cup in Singapore?

We have possibilities because we have the techniques to use them at the time; All strategies and techniques.

What aspirations do you have for the future?

God willing, we will succeed and we can encourage young people to dedicate themselves and give their time to robotics because it is very interesting and requires a lot of technique and strategy, as well as money.

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Compendium of Education and Career

Full name: Maria Liz Arias Rojas

Date of Birth: 04/18/2006

Origin: Bunada

Parents: Narciso Arias Quiroga, Dilma Rojas Jordan

Siblings: John Kevin, Liz Clara, Nelsey

Studies: Automotive Mechanics, Electrical

Favorite food: Spicy wings


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