A century old building that has left technology unused

A century old building that has left technology unused

They will be fulfilled 170 years since the founding of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange This year's festival will be a good opportunity to look at the history and history of this organization “The Giant” of Saint Nicholas. It is not the only building of monumental scale, but it is the first in the area: it opened in 1916, twelve years before its more famous neighbours, Post Office Palace, present CCK.

Like many of these great works of the late 1800s and early 1900s, it is permeated with stories and legends; Whether documented or not, the essence of this mass must be shaped and constructed Alejandro Christopherson. Born in Spain, the son of Norwegian aristocrats and diplomats, Kristofferson was also a founder. School of Architecture (Predecessor of UBA Faculty of Architecture).

One of the peculiarities of the stock market building is the amount of artistic details that make up its decoration: doors, lamps, chandeliers, lamps, railings, elevators, locks, stained glass, sculptures, clocks, icons, mailboxes, furniture, tableware and even the design of tablecloths.. .that's all Christopherson thought. He even created the graphic for the restaurant's menu and stock market logo.

And in the functional complex – when the grain exchange was active in this same room – a beautiful compass rose is preserved, designed by Christopherson: it looks like a clock, but in fact it was used in the past. Wind direction. This information is important for brokers who need to know whether or not ships arriving in the country with goods (raw materials or basic goods) have been able to enter the port of Buenos Aires.

Old stock market from the stairs. Photo: Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

A good example is in Constitución, on Avenida Entre Ríos 958 in the city, between Unitos and Carlos Calvo. The bridge connects parts of the same building. There is another inside the Grimoldi Palace – by architect Virginio Colombo, at Avenida Corrientes 2548 – that It connects the rooms of the same apartment located on the fifth floor. But unfortunately this bridge – glazed – cannot be seen from the street.

Returning to the Stock Exchange Building, at the height of its glory, It has its own legend: Part of the materials and ornaments that traveled from Europe to America—French marble and granite from Germany, among others— They were shipwrecked off the coast of Brazil aboard the Italian ship Principessa Mafalda. The liner covered the Genoa – Buenos Aires route and, in addition to building materials and hundreds of bags of mail, reportedly brought gold ingots sent to the country by Benito Mussolini's fascist regime.

One of the many stained glass windows found in the building. Photo by Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

The dates of the two events are not coincidental – the building was built between 1913 and 1916 and the shipwreck occurred in October 1927 – but myths are myths; And in the field of architecture and diffusion, they play a fundamental role. The myth linking Kavanagh, Ankorena Palace and Christopherson has proven this for decades.

At the opposite ends of Christopherson's classicism, Alvarez designed a modern building: “The forms are the result of the materials you use, which are contemporary to each era. The Tea Book says that each person should create the architecture of their era. The materials of its time, you cannot copy from the past. You have to be contemporary,” said the editor of IBM and SOMISA buildings.

View of Alem and Sarmiento, Buenos Aires Stock Exchange. Photo by BCBA / National Archives AGN

This link is cumulative Over 30 years of stock market operations, They were displayed with electromagnetic whiteboards.

Both places today Not in use. Activities are followed on the company's official website (bolsar.info). However, many partners They regularly frequent buildings and bars. And offices are located in both the historic and modern headquarters for rent.

The Council Chamber meets once a month. The table is built from a piece of wood. Photo by Guillermo Rodríguez Adami

Other places

Before reaching the giant on Avenida Alem, the stock market passed through other headquarters, all in the central area. The first was located in San Martín and Perón on a property owned by General José de San Martín. It operated here in the first years of its life, between 1854 and 1862.

On this corner, diagonally across from the Casa Rosada, the architect Juan Antonio Pushciazzo built an important classical building of which no traces remain. By 1920, it was integrated into the Banco Nacional with other buildings. Later all these buildings were completely demolished and became the current headquarters of the nation, the work of Alejandro Bustillo.

Guided tours

Entry is through the main door May 25 and Sarmiento. Visits are free, usually at 12 p.m. Also on the website of the company, available days and places will be announced. It is necessary to check this information before going and consult it by email: [email protected]

Here's a detail to make the most of the journey. There is only this apple Some of the interesting buildings in the city are: The rationalist Comega Tower and the Jooston Hotel, with a new plate facade. At 25 de Mayo – in the middle of the junction of Joosden and the Stock Exchange – you will find a classic building with a significant restoration work on its facade; By the Swiss Ernesto Sandrueter, today there is a restaurant on the ground floor.

View from Sarmiento: The gap that the architect must “bridge” with the design of the building. Behind, Mario Roberto Alvarez tower. Photo by Guillermo Rodríguez Adami
Decorative details of entrance doors. Photo by Guillermo Rodríguez Adami
Compass rose designed by Christopherson. Photo by BCBA
Ladder of honor. Photo by Guillermo Rodríguez Adami
Right, the tiled building at the corner of Sarminto and Alem; In the background, Puerto Madero and the sculpture of Juana Assurtú. Photo by Guillermo Rodríguez Adami


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