A “never seen before” discovery in space


Scientists have been surprised to find that a star previously classified as dead has spewed radio pulses from 8,000 light-years away and come back to life. The event, detected by researchers using a radio telescope, showed radio pulses.unusualemanating from the star,powerful“Magnetic Field.

This asteroid is called XTE J1810-197, It is a type of neutron star, specifically a magneto, recognized as one of the most powerful magnets in the universe. It is located about 8,000 light years away A very close magnet for scientists. It was first detected in 2003 by scientists emitting radio waves. After that, he remained silent for 15 years.

In 2018, an observatory in Germany He caught his pulse again, This led to a renewed interest in their study, particularly the advances in the understanding of magnets. That revelation is one of the most important discoveries to date The surrounding material is intensely heated, resulting in light leakage.

Dead stars like XTE J1810-197 are believed to be dead Caused by a decrease in their hydrogen supply This leads to them becoming celestial objects such as white dwarfs, neutron stars or black holes. However, this particular event challenges astronomical conventions by revealing unusual activity in a star previously thought to be extinct.

“Unlike the radio signals we've seen from other magnets, It emits a large amount of rapidly changing circular polarization. “We've never seen anything like this before,” said Dr Marcus Lower, who led the research and is a member of Australia's National Science Agency.

Murryong, CSIRO Parks Radio TelescopeCSIRO

What causes this behavior?

Although there is no certainty, the research team raises the possibility that it could be related to the presence of superheated plasma. Plasma, a form of electrically charged matter, is known to emit light in various forms, such as stars, nebulae, and auroras at the north and south poles. According to Dr. Lower, the evidence points to that The presence of superheated plasma at the magnetic pole of the magnet acts as a polarizing filter. This filter allows only a portion of the light to exit in certain directions. However, plasma is the perfect means of achieving this effect It remains a mystery to be solved.

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Origin of magnets

The origin of magnets is related to the theory that they derive their magnetic field from the supermassive star from which they originated. In August 2023, astronomers identified The first magnetic progenitor star, HD 45166, supports this hypothesis. This binary system contains a star with the necessary properties to produce a magnet.

The magnetic progenitor revealed a magnetic field of 40 thousand gauss, which is significantly higher than the Earth's magnetic field, which is estimated to be less than one gauss. If one of the stars in HD 45166 collapses, The resulting neutron remnant has a radius of just 12 kilometers, despite being twice as large as the Sun in its active phase. 40 thousand gauss of progenitor will be compressed into this small body. Creates a magnet with a magnetic field of a thousand gaussAccording to scientists.

Measuring the polarization of light around dense bodies provides a way to understand Electromagnetic and Gravitational Forces surrounds them. Recently, this concept has been applied to Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way. This analysis led to a second official picture of integrity, Visible light is organized into a spiral structure.

Lower and his team described the latest findings about XTE J1810-197 in the academic journal Nature Astronomy, titled “Linear to circular transition in the polarized radio emission of a magnet”.

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