A suggested message from Macri’s last economy minister after the domestic crisis in uniting for change

A suggested message from Macri’s last economy minister after the domestic crisis in uniting for change

Hernán Lagunza, the last Minister of Economy of Mauricio Macri, issued a confidential and critical message after the strong crisis in the JxC due to the electoral defeat and the political agreement between the former president and Javier Mili.

His words echo the confusion at the venue and among La Libertad Avanza technicians in recent days.

“It breaks but doesn’t bend but doesn’t bend,” pointed out Cambiemos’ third finance minister on the X network, previously on Twitter, with a play on words based on the historical phrase extremism.

Lacunza was the economic coordinator of the economic group Together for Change, and maintained good relations with her colleagues close to Patricia Bullrich, although she was associated with Horacio Rodríguez Lauretta, the head of the Buenos Aires government.

Yesterday, Guido Chandleris, the last head of the Macri-era central bank, told Infobay that he would vote for Millay, although he clarified that he had not worked with the independent candidate’s technical teams.

“I have not had meetings with Miley or her teams, nor have I had opportunities from Macri to participate in meetings related to that,” he said.

“What’s more, as far as I know, there is currently no joint work between Milei and JxC’s economic teams,” said Chandleris, who was eventually cited as one of the economists Macri provided to Milei for the government.

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“As for my position on the referendum, everyone is the owner of his vote and in the PRO, freedom of action is conceded to the nominators. In my case, my support will be for Mili. I don’t like many of his proposals, nor do I like Massa, but about the continuation of Kirchnerism through Massa, who shows more moderation than Mili. I worry more,” Chandleris explained.

After Bullrich’s defeat on Sunday, silence prevailed in tech circles as one for change.

However, the underground dialogue between them continues ahead of the second election and the new government that will take office next December.

“We have plunged into anxiety and anarchy at the speed of the internal crisis. Different places in the Juntos have already come out with their positions without consensus, first the Civic Coalition for Neutrality and some extreme leaders in favor of Massa, then the position of the pro-Patricia and Mauricio Mili,” he lamented.

“There is no zero-sum system for achieving consensus. All the anarchist concerns to mark the court: Let’s keep unity until they think like me, they seem to be saying,” the source added. “Clearly there were previous divisions, presumably unbridgeable, that were accelerated by the defeat. But the fact that they cannot meet before speaking publicly is a sign of a breakdown in trust,” he said.

In this regard, the source pointed out: “We see that they are touching our names without asking us, although we are talking to the colleagues of the two powers, because we are a few, a dozen, we know each other well, but I can assure you that there is no formal dialogue or organic to agree on projects and coordinate groups. can

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In any case, the economist said: “After December 10, a correction is inevitable. It can be highly organized or disorganized. But in the summer there will be another dollar and more inflation.


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