A team of Chinese scientists is turning methane into protein to produce animal feed

A team of Chinese scientists is turning methane into protein to produce animal feed

Members of the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, have achieved 92% efficiency in converting methane into protein, indicating an advantage in animal feed production.

Cows. Photo by Unsplash.

¿Coal methane can be converted into food? In response, a team of Chinese researchers achieved a scientific milestone by developing a method that makes this possible.

This group achieved Proteins are produced using methanol derived from coal There is a growing demand for this product as an alternative to animal feed. Teacher Wu Xin of Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnologyfrom the Chinese Academy of Sciences, explained that this is the first time this form of protein production has been economically viable.

Cows.  Photo by Unsplash.Cows. Photo by Unsplash.

To reach this conclusion, Professor Wu's team collected Over 20,000 yeast samples from different natural environments This enabled them to identify strains that could efficiently use sugars and alcohols as carbon sources. With the help of genetic manipulation, These samples improved the tolerance and metabolic efficiency of a specific yeast called “Pichia pastoris” to methanol.

According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, The concentration of methanol in the protein reached an efficiency of 92% of the theoretical value, making this method an economic advantage, resistant to seasonal and climatic variations, thanks to which arable land is no longer needed. This process is more efficient than traditional farming practices.

Maria Laura Colmer, the animal conservationist who saved Miff next to him.  Photo: Delum.Scientific discovery useful for animal feed. Photo: Delum.

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