Abinador's Challenges: Reforms and Economics

Abinador's Challenges: Reforms and Economics

Shortly after the presidential term began, Louis Abinader Announced the collection Reforms It can be implemented in the Dominican Republic to improve aspects such as education, citizen security, the electricity sector or transparency.

Now, nearly four years into his tenure as head of the executive branch, representatives and senators expect the president to chart the aforementioned developments. Reforms and explain National Assembly Why are some still lagging behind and showing no sign of improvement?

This Tuesday, February 27, Abinader Goes before him Congress Be accountable National Assembly Its administration and reporting of various ministries to representatives and senators, as established by the Constitution in its Article 114.

According to many in Congress, the president has a challenge to address in detail ReformsSalaries and the economy are a point of concern for most Dominicans, as evidenced by the results of the Las Americas Barometer survey.

Yván Lorenzo, spokesman for the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD) in the Senate, considered that the economy and the “excessive debt” of the current government administration should be the main points of the President's speech this February 27.

economy Does not grow

Senator Elias Pina pointed out that during the current administration, the economy has registered

Compared to other years, the percentage of economic growth is low.

In addition, he criticized that not all jobs have yet recovered, which registered a decline after the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic.

The PLD senatorial spokesperson added that the cost of the basic family basket should also be addressed “out of duty” in accountability, as he revealed that food has recorded an “unjustifiable” increase since 2020.

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In that sense, the Congress has insisted Abinader Implement solutions to the nation's pressing problems and move away from “justifications” in his next manifesto speech.

“Lewis Abinader must implement solutions to the pressing problems of the country and move away from rationalizations”Juan LorenzoVocero Bld Senato

Index Salary

Balance between salary and income tax collections (ISR) should also be an aspect to be observed Abinader In his speech, according to Deputy Juan Dionisio Rodríguez Restituo from the Frente Amplio party.

The assembly member said that collection ISR It needs to be adjusted so that it does not match the lowest salaries in the country, which is why he suggested a discussion on salaries and their inclusion in the next accountability.

Also, he admitted that the country's economy is “a vital and nerve-wracking issue” that should be addressed in the president's speech because, in his opinion, the concentration of monetary wealth in the country is “in the hands of a few.”

other points

Legislators Lorenzo and Rodríguez Restituo agreed that the presentation of the document of the report of the executive branch should coordinate progress on the announced reform of the hydrocarbon sector, social security, poverty levels in the national territory, and the construction of the wall dividing line between the Dominican Republic. Health services in the Republic and Haiti or the country.

Both said that the majority promises. Reforms Or notices given in earlier accounts were not fulfilled at the promised time Abinader.

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Indeed, Deputy Rodríguez Restituyo criticized the lack of oversight Congress For memories deposited by Abinader From 2021, he proposed a reform whereby, in accountability, lawmakers could question the president's performance during his mandate.

February 27

Programming for accountability Abinader This February 27 includes the opening of ordinary assemblies in both chambers of Congress, which will then convene for speech.

Surrender will be tomorrow.

“More announcements” are expected in the officials' speech

Unlike opponents, members of the ruling Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) and its allies supported Abinader's administration, arguing that the president knew how to manage the economy and had moved forward with promised reforms throughout his administration. Díaz predicted that the president “will have a lot to announce” because, in their opinion, the performance of spending has allowed the president to fulfill most of the promises he made in his previous accounts. The representatives urged opponents to look at the results of the last municipal elections held on February 18, where the ruling party won the majority of the country's mayoral positions “thanks to the administration” led by Abinadar. The Maximo Castro Party (PRSC), representative of the social Christian reformer, promised the president would have a lot to show for in his next accountability and suggested calling for unity in his government to achieve further reforms.

Dominican journalist. He writes on legislative and political topics.


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