Adex: Export companies grow 5.6% in Q1

Adex: Export companies grow 5.6% in Q1
Puno showed impressive growth in exports of 247% in the first quarter, leading regional performance according to Mincetur. (Andean)

The National Export Force continues to grow. Despite the poor performance of the manufacturing system in 2023 – resulting in a 0.5% decline in the economy -, the export sector achieved more than the accumulated income. 64 thousand 355 million dollars, which topped historical figures for the third year in a row. In that regard, the annual target for 2024 is to cross the barrier of 65 billion dollars, indicated Elizabeth Galdo, head of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetour).

In this regard, the latest update Exporters Association Center for Global Business and Economic Research (Cien-Adex) showed an increase in the number of exporting companies, which will help the sector fulfill its ambitions.

According to the company, in March this yearThe share of exporting companies was almost 3 million 500Showing a increased by 5.6% Relative to the same period of the previous year. Referring to this point, most of the companies were classified within Micro-enterprises (2,438), almost 70% of the total brands. Similarly, 973 companies have been registered Little19 companies Medium and 63 institutions Big ones. That is, 98.2% of the companies qualify in the micro, small and medium enterprise (MSME) sector, while only 1.8% of the remaining companies are considered large.

The number of exporting companies in the country increased by 5.6%, with increases in mining, primary agriculture and chemicals.

In the above report, there was an increase in the number of companies in three specific sectors: Mining, primary agriculture and chemical industry. Conversely, ten sectors experienced a decrease in the number of enterprises: traditional fishing, agriculture, metalworking, clothing, iron and steel, textiles, non-metallic mining, fishing and aquaculture, wood and the so-called “other” sector. On the other hand, the hydrocarbon sector kept the number of companies stable.

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The Cien-Adex “Exporting Companies Report” revealed that the sectors with the largest number of companies. Agricultural industrycheater 1,061 companiescontinuously Mining (566), Chemical (498), metalwork (458) and clothing (432). Other notable sectors include “Miscellaneous”, Iron and Steel (162), Fisheries and Aquaculture (158), Textiles (157), Non-Metallic Mining (145), Traditional Agriculture (106), Timber (59), Primary Fisheries (25) with 380 companies. ) and hydrocarbons (21).

Lima, Puno and Piura are the three regions with the most exporting companies. (Infobae)

As the report shows, Lima Amassed a large number of exporting companies in total 3 million 014. They followed Abundant 524 and Beura 368 with. Conversely, the regions with the lowest number of institutions are Amazonas with 17, Apurimac with 13 and Mokugua with 10.

According to the Foreign Trade Minister, eleven sectors have shown significant performance in export growth. Puno topped the list with an increase of 247%, followed by Apurimac (50%), Loreto (44%), Huanuco (39%), Madre de Dios (23%), Mokugua (12%), Pasco (12%), La Libertad (9%). %), Tacna (9%), Ica (2%) and Amazonas (0.1%). The official highlighted that this increase will directly lead to job creation and boost the local economy.


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