Alejandro Soto | Cuzco Foundation Investigates Allegedly Low Priced Purchase by Congress President's Mother | Latest | principle

Alejandro Soto |  Cuzco Foundation Investigates Allegedly Low Priced Purchase by Congress President's Mother |  Latest |  principle

The Cusco Benevolent Society is investigating the alleged under-buying of land at the La Almudena cemetery. Made by Congress President's mother, Alejandro Soto (Alliance for Progress), revealed the “Punto final” this Sunday.

According to a Sunday newspaper, it is an M-45 identified as “Sotto Reyes” and was purchased in January 2023 by Soto's widow, Delia Reyes Vera, mother of the current Congress president.

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After making the payment, Soto Reyes' mother informed the charity of her list of relatives to be buried in the cemetery, which included the congressman.

The general manager of the charity, Julber del Carpio, assured that the current administration is giving the Soto family all the facilities to establish the responsibilities in the sale of the lot at a discounted price.

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He also said that this incident took place during the previous administration Hector Villavicencio MunozA doctor by profession and a personal friend Alejandro Soto.

It was during his administration that the charity informed the congresswoman that she could only pay S/66,600 per lot, only to learn that the cost of each lot exceeded S/80,000 due to available appraisals.

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The relationship between Villvicencio and the Congress leader was very close. The Latino Intelligence Unit identified 11 visits to the office Alejandro Soto Vilavicencio, the head of the company that sold him a lot.

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As it has been revealed that he will be buried in space as the person who acquired the land is his mother, the Speaker of Parliament said in a written statement that he is not concerned about this matter. He dies and so shall he.

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Alejandro Soto has alleged that the land has been expropriated as it stands now. However, he refrained from mentioning the updated estimate of prices, and this led the company to charge higher prices to all interested parties from October 2022, except him.

A couple of years ago, the Cusco Benevolent Society, the public agency responsible for the management of the state cemetery, cleared the land to build new cemeteries.

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These are small plots of 7.5 square meters each, intended to house family tombs. A study pegged the average price per square meter at S/11,500, meaning that each lot cost more than S/80,000.

He denies the complaint

This is a statement, Alejandro Soto Reyes Rejected “clear intent to defame his image” A day before discussing the report on the removal of the members of the Standing Committee National Board of Justice (JNJ).

Likewise, he said, on February 8 last year, after the transfer of use was confirmed on July 17, 2023, the rates per square meter were updated. “So it is not true that the property was acquired below the market price.”.

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