All the suit tech in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and how to boost Peter and Miles

All the suit tech in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and how to boost Peter and Miles

The Suit technology of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 This is an essential aspect of the game as it helps improve the passive attributes of both spider man This will gradually strengthen Peter Parker Already Miles Morales. On this page of our guide Spider-Man 2 of PS5 We count them How to Unlock Suite Technology Y How to Maximize Peter and Miles:

Suit technology in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: What it is and how to unlock it

As we commented in the first paragraph of the guide, Suit technology is a passive upgrade of both Spider-Man’s.. It is unlocked during the sixth story mission called remedies. At the end of this task there is a small tutorial in which we are shown How to improve suit technology.

We opened the Suit Technology menu as part of Redress, the sixth story mission

Let’s access the suite technology from the touch panel menu; Based on the use of materials Like city tokens, elements or hero tokens We can increase health, damage, concentration and travel Spider-Man in both.

The suit technology allows Spider-Man to improve both his health, damage, concentration and traversal characteristics.

Suit deck upgrades apply to both Spider-Mans At the same time, and Raising all attributes will make the game easier.

How to improve suit technology in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2?

We need materials to upgrade suit technology Elements, such as rare elements, city tokens and hero tokens. These elements are obtained in this way:

  • Components: Completion of TAYVSM offenses and claims.
  • Unusual elements: Prowler’s Stashes.
  • City tokens: Collecting requests for Marko Memories, Photo Sessions and Brooklyn Visions.
  • Hero Tokens: Flame.

Visit our interactive map to find the location of each of these elements, and here’s how to get Hero Tokens and rare elements. apart from this, We also have to rise to a certain level to achieve certain levels of advancement in certain suit technologies.


Whenever we have materials to upgrade the available suit technology, the game will inform us with a number in the “Suit Technology” tab, which is the number of possible upgrades we can apply to the suits. Two Spideys.

Below we leave you All suit technology from Marvel’s Spider-Man 2:

All suit deck health upgrades in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Below we describe everything in detail Health advances Suit Technology:

All suite technology health upgrades
  • Amazing Health 1– Increases health by 10. Max health is now 110. Costs 1 unusual component and is unlocked as part of the quest Insults.
  • Excellent health 2– Increases health by 10. Max Health is now 120. Cost 170 Elements and 4 Uncommon Elements.
  • Increase confidence– A perfect dodge restores some health. 205 elements and 8 city tokens.
  • Rejuvenation lock– Restores some health on a successful block. 205 elements and 8 city tokens.
  • Spectacular Health 1– Increases health by 15. Max health is now 135. Costs 210 components and 4 hero tokens.
  • Spectacular Health 2– Increases health by 15. Max health now 150. Unlocks at level 14. Costs 220 components and 6 hero tokens.
  • Better security– Restores some health on every tenth success of the combo. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 elements and 8 rare elements.
  • Life tax– Hits with the web shooter restore some health. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 elements and 8 rare elements.
  • Ultimate Health 1– Increases health by 20. Now max health is 170. Unlocks at level 30. Costs 230 components and 8 hero tokens.
  • Ultimate Health 2– Increases health by 20. Max health now 200. Unlocks at level 33. Costs 240 parts and 10 Hero Tokens.

All suit deck damage upgrades in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Below we describe everything in detail Damage improvements Suit Technology:

All suit deck damage upgrades
  • Awesome Damage 1– Increases damage by 10%. Base damage is now 110%. Costs 170 components and 4 city tokens.
  • Awesome damage 2– Increases damage by 10%. Base damage is now 120%. 170 components and 2 hero tokens.
  • Air Marshal– Increases damage done to enemies in the air. Cost 205 elements and 7 rare elements.
  • Enriched lock– Successfully blocking an enemy partially recharges techniques. Cost 205 elements and 7 rare elements.
  • Spectacular Damage 1– Increases damage by 10%. Base damage is now 130%. 210 components and 4 hero tokens.
  • Spectacular damage 2– Increases damage by 10%. Base damage is now 140%. Unlocks at level 14. Costs 220 components and 8 city tokens.
  • Combo King: Techniques recharge slightly for every tenth success of the combo. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 elements and 8 rare elements.
  • The land is volcanic– Air attacks increase damage by an additional 50%. Resets upon landing. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 elements and 8 rare elements.
  • Ultimate Damage 1– Increases damage by 15%. Base damage is now 155%. Unlocks at level 30. Costs 230 components and 8 hero tokens.
  • Ultimate Damage 2– Increases damage by 15%. Base damage is now 170%. Unlocks at level 33. Costs 240 components and 10 hero tokens.

All suit deck intensive upgrades in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Below we describe everything in detail Concentration improvements Suit Technology:

All suite technology intensive upgrades
  • Entangled concentration– Increases concentration gained when attacking trapped enemies. Costs 170 components and 2 city tokens.
  • Double concentration– Adds an extra concentration bar. Heal often or use 2 Concentration Bars to finish against thug enemies. Costs 170 elements and 6 rare elements.
  • Concentrated strike– Increases concentration given by techniques by 10%. 205 components and 4 hero tokens.
  • Target acquisition– Enemies detected by the scanner (R3) are automatically marked. 205 components and 4 hero tokens.
  • Stealth concentration– Increases concentration gained when performing stealth takedowns. 210 components and 4 city tokens.
  • Triple concentration: Adds a third bar of concentration. Increases chances of healing and completion. Unlocks at level 14. Costs 220 elements and 8 rare elements.
  • Correct vision– Give yourself a chance to cheat, cutting down the time just before getting a critical health hit. Can only be used once per match. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 components and 8 hero tokens.
  • Target in sight– Pressing the scanner stealthily (R3) shows that other enemies can see your current target. Can only be used once per match. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 components and 8 hero tokens.
  • Healing concentration– Increases the amount of health recovered when using Enrichment. Unlocks at level 30. Costs 230 components and 10 city tokens.
  • Air concentration– You gain extra concentration when performing aerial attacks. Unlocks at level 33. Costs 240 components and 10 hero tokens.

The all-suite technology journey in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is enhanced

Below we describe everything in detail Travel improvements Suit Technology:

Marvel Spider-Man 2 PS5 Suite Technical Improvements Tour
  • Amazing wings– Long glide with spiders. 170 elements and 1 unusual element.
  • A wonderful start– Pressing X while landing on a high point (L2+R2) adds an explosion boost to the point boost. Costs 170 components and 3 city tokens.
  • Acrobat: The right timing impulse is increased. Costs 205 components and 5 city tokens
  • Loaded– Charged Jump and Slingshot will send you further and further, respectively. Costs 205 components and 5 city tokens.
  • Spectacular rolling: Increased swing speed. 210 components and 4 hero tokens.
  • Spectacular wings– Increased their turn speed to control spiders better. Unlocks at level 14. Costs 220 elements and 5 rare elements.
  • omniscient– Reveal tech boxes on your minimap. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 components and 6 hero tokens.
  • Spider in action– Increases Spider-Jump height and Spider-Rush distance. Unlocks at level 21. Costs 225 components and 8 hero tokens.
  • Ultimate Wings– Activate spiders while diving for a significant speed boost. Unlocks at level 30. Costs 230 elements and 6 rare elements.
  • Final balance– Improved maximum swing speed. Unlocks at level 33. Costs 240 components and 10 hero tokens.

Other Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 content that might interest you

  1. All the Gadgets in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: How They Work and How to Maximize Them
  2. All Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 abilities and how to boost Peter and Miles
  3. All Peter and Miles’ techniques in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 and which ones are the best


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