An impressive image of Mars with volcanoes has been revealed

An impressive image of Mars with volcanoes has been revealed

A new panorama Red planet Pays attention Tharsis areaIt covers roughly a quarter of the planet's surface and is home to famous giant volcanoes. Marte.

For Mars Express ships European Space Agency (ESA) Celebrated with a spectacular panorama to mark 25,000 orbits MarteIt captures many of its burdens Volcanoes and including the moon Phobos.

The Mars Express has arrived Marte It completed its 25,000th orbit in late 2003 on October 19, 2023. In the two decades since its arrival, the orbiter has mapped the atmosphere more completely than ever before, tracing the history of water at the surface. MarteHe has studied two small Martian moons in unprecedented detail and provided stunning three-dimensional views of the planet.

This new film is no exception. It focuses on the Tharsis region, which covers roughly a quarter of the planet's surface and is a famously gigantic place. Volcanoes of Marte. Here you will find many more Volcanoes: Olympus, Arcia, Pavonis and Ascraeus Mons, and Jovis, Pyblis and Ulysses Tholes. Olympus Mons is huge and reaches a height of about 22 km (compared to 8.8 km of Mount Everest on Earth).

Phobos, valleys and cloud bands

Mars Express has captured an unexpected visitor on Mars' largest moon. Marte, PhobosIt can be seen as a dark point towards the lower left. Phobos Located very close Marte A mere 6,000 km from the surface, by solar system standards Marte. For context, our own Moon is about 385,000 kilometers from Earth's surface.

The fractured and rifted valleys of Noctis Labyrinthus, seen several times by Mars Express, can be seen below the trio, including a flyby on display. Volcanoes That cut the frame. The large Lycus Sulci landslide can be seen to the north of Olympus Mons, as are the valleys and craters to the upper right of Dantalus Fossae. These features were previously explored by Mars Express.

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A few weathered features can be seen at the bottom of the painting, and a blue tint creeps into this otherwise sandy scene. Colorful banded clouds: a small, bright cloud on the right and “leeward wave” clouds on the left. Lee wave clouds form when air currents flow over a ridge-like topographic barrier. The wind then creates a wavy feature on the protected (leeward) side of the ridge. (with info Europa Press)

A panoramic image of Mars taken by Mars ExpressSource: ESA


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