Arequipa will host the Latin American Festival of Innovation and Technology


Arequipa will host the Latin American Festival of Innovation and Technology

The festival will feature 17 international speakers and more than 50 scheduled activities.

For the second year in a row, the Latin American Festival of Innovation and Technology (FLIT) will be held in the city of Arequipa. The event will take place this year from July 11 to 14 at the Universidad Católica San Pablo (UCSP) campus.

María Alejandra Llosa, executive director and creator of FLIT, noted that the festival is important because it positions Arequipa as a technological and innovation center in Peru and Latin America, and it spreads knowledge in both areas.

This tech event has more than 50 activities including conferences, panels, exhibitions, hackathons, competitions, exhibitions and more.

In addition, FLIT 2024 will have 17 international speakers from nine countries, such as Yu-Kai Chou, China’s keynote speaker on behavioral economics and gambling. From the United States, Javier Ocasio-Perez, Information Technology Director for NASA’s Mars Sample Return Mission, and Sabrina Seltzer, head of EduTech in Latin America from Mexico, will be present.

From Brazil, cyber security and cybercrime prevention expert Gianfranco Muncinelli will attend; From Portugal, the participation of the director of Latin America of DreamShaper, an online learning tool, Marta Assunção, stands out; In addition to former Director of the Renewable Energy Association in Chile, Carlos Finat.

From Cuba, an Agrotech expert will arrive; From Panama, Rolando Garcia; From Argentina, UNDP Digital Governance Specialist, María Eugenia Bosa; Pearson Latham from Germany, Director of Key Accounts Constanza de la Vega from Germany, were among the other speakers.

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