Argentina’s economy minister visits China in search of deals

Argentina’s economy minister visits China in search of deals

Argentina’s Economy Minister Sergio Massa will visit China Sources close to the minister say Argentina is seeking to open new markets for products to close finance, mining and energy deals.

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Entourage of Massa, this Next Tuesday, May 30, 2023 will arrive in the Asian country, will be made up of a large number of national officials, including transport chief Diego Giuliano; The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Cecilia Morey and the President of the Central Bank, Miguel Angel Bess.

First stop: Shanghai

Massa’s agenda begins with a meeting with Chinese officials on Tuesday The Kejoba Group will have the project to implement the dams on the Santa Cruz River located in Argentine Patagonia.

behind, Treasury chief Power to meet Chinese delegation, with whom he will address “projects related to energy development of the country”; Later he will hold another meeting with CET State Grid officials.

Massa’s agenda will continue Wednesday in a meeting with managers of Tibet Summit ResourcesIt seeks to “encourage investment in mine development and lithium extraction”.

For the remaining days, the Minister of Economy He will hold two meetings with members of Ganfeng Lithium and Tsingshan Holding GroupWith a view to promoting mining investments in various provinces of the country.

Thursday, his last day in Shanghai, Massa will also meet with the chairman of the New Development Bank of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).He will hold bilateral meetings with former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff (2011-2016), and Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao and officials from the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Proceedings in Beijing

Friday, already in Beijing, Massa will speak with the Vice Minister of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC).According to sources close to the minister, Wang Lingjun will “discuss the incorporation of new products into the Chinese market.”

After the meeting, The Economy Minister will sign the Belt and Road Cooperation Plan With Zheng Shanjie, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, Argentina formalized its adherence to a multi-million dollar investment and infrastructure project promoted by China, a year after.

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next, Massa will hold a working meeting with Yi Gang, Governor of the People’s Bank of China (BPC, Central).They will talk about the “renewal” and “extension” of the currency swap between Argentina and China.

To culminate your visit, The former Speaker of the House of Representatives will meet next Saturday with Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun to discuss “bilateral financing” for infrastructure projects.


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