Attorney Eduardo Roy Gates meets with Patricia Benavides at the trial of attorney Jose Luis Hayon to coordinate the defense of his sister, Judge Enma Benavides | Country Solicitor | principle

Attorney Eduardo Roy Gates meets with Patricia Benavides at the trial of attorney Jose Luis Hayon to coordinate the defense of his sister, Judge Enma Benavides |  Country Solicitor |  principle

Research Division

The removal of Persabeth Revilla as interim chief prosecutor is one of the eight facts Revilla was investigating Judge Enma Benavides, sister of the now-suspended national prosecutor, as head of the second interim chief prosecutor's office specializing in crimes committed by public officials.

The trial against Judge Benowitz for alleged bribery and illegal association offenses between 2014 and 2016 for the release of inmates detained for drug trafficking.

In a document opening preliminary proceedings against Patricia Benowitz Trade Agreed, in his testimony to the Public Ministry on December 19, 2023 (before the Committee of Special Prosecutors Against Corruption), lawyer Eduardo Roy Gates said on September 1, 2022 during Benavides. He was the nation's lawyer who attended a meeting at the Hayon & Hayon law firm owned by Jose Luis Hayon, who was identified as the suspended Supreme Magistrate's shadow counsel. At the scene, according to Roy Gates, Patricia Benawitz, Jaime Villanueva and Miguel Girao were his advisors at FN. Currently, Hayon and Girao are being investigated as members of a criminal organization that Benavides may have led from the FN. Villanueva was also part of this network.

Interruption and coordination of counsel for the country's attorney #VideosEC #UI

“[Roy Gates] Said on September 1, 2023 [2022]He was called to the law firm of lawyer José Luis Hayón dal'Orto, found doctor Liz Patricia Benavides Vargas and two other people: Jaime Javier Villanueva Barretto and Miguel Jirau Isidro, said the doctor there. [Benavides] demanded that [Roy Gates] He came out to comment to the media about the various problems in the prosecutor's office, especially because of the case of Dr. Persabeth Felicidas Revilla Corrales and her sister Nma Benavides Vargas. On that occasion, Jaime Javier Villanueva Barreto and Miguel Girao Isidro gave Attorney Roy Gates an assistant memo, inside which was a productivity report issued by the Financial Productivity Office,” Delia Espinosa's tax filing states.

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The day after the meeting at Hayon's studio, Roy Gates gave an interview on the RPP radio station in which he appeared as a lawyer for members of the Criminal Court. Nma Benavides is a Magistrate in the Criminal Court.

“I am not here to defend the DA's decision to fire Dr. Perzabeth Revilla. I got the assignment from a former member of the National Criminal Chamber, but I can state that it was a decision based on a technical report from the Office of Financial Productivity Control. “His appointment as Acting Advocate General ends,” he said in an interview.

As he knew Trade, Roy Gates also took on the defense of Nma Benavides. He did so in the second half of February 2023 due to the request to reject the process being followed.

Prosecutor Espinosa's office has summoned the lawyer to testify on the 23rd of this month. Patricia Benavides is scheduled to give her testimony two days later, while Jose Luis Hayon on the 31st of this month.

Whatsapp Video 2024-01-18 at 10.26.44 PM

At the end of July 2022, Persabeth Revilla resigned from the Public Ministry, and Patricia Benavides removed her from the office of the Second Intermediate Supreme Prosecutor specializing in crimes committed by public officials. The then head of the public ministry relied on the productivity report to remove her. According to the MP's investigations, the document was coordinated by Benavides and his advisers.

In Delia Espinoza's Rule, “To uphold the decision of the appointment of the judge […] As Acting Supreme Prosecutor of the Second Prosecution Office specializing in crimes committed by public officials, Revilla proposed that the accused, Miguel Angel Jirau Isidro, prepare a productivity report to the National Prosecutor, Patricia Benavides. Deficiency in the production of the said Prosecutor's office.”

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“Given this proposition, [Benavides] “Abel Cardolin, manager of financial production control of the Public Ministry, is said to have been ordered to coordinate with Princip to issue a report with information related to the coordination,” the tax document states.


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