Autonomous University of Juarez, Tabasco

Autonomous University of Juarez, Tabasco

With the project “The importance of creating interfaces for the design of industrial chemical reactors”, the chemical engineering student of the Universidad Juarez Autónoma de Tabasco (UJAT), Marcos Flores Barboa, received a platinum medal (first place) during his participation. National Phase Infomatrix Mexico Competition (XVII Ibero-American Competition of Student Science and Technology Projects), organized by the Latin American Society of Science and Technology.

In this sense, the rector of UJAT, Guillermo Narváez Osorio, congratulated the young man assigned to the Department of Engineering and Architecture Education (DAIA) who went to the rectory facilities to share this award, which granted him permission to exhibit. International Science and Innovation will be held in Indonesia from November 7 to 11, 2023.

The director of DAIA, Dora María Frias Marquez, explained that the student, who competed with more than 200 projects in the country, began his research work a year ago as part of his degree program and carried out various studies. Calls, he decided to join with the support of his research professor and his adviser, Mayra Agustina Pantoja Castro.

He added that the project is still in its early stages, so it will allow him to develop a lesson for its application in depth, and appreciated the support provided by UJAT, teachers and family members.

For her part, Mayra Agustina Pantoja Castro, Doctor of Science in Chemical Engineering, with Marco’s research project, has participated in various competitions where she has been recognized for her contribution.

“This is the only project that represents the university at the national level in this competition organized by the Latin American Society of Science and Technology, so we had to prepare it in writing, then design a poster and make a video. It ended with the defense of the project against expert evaluators in the area, through We managed to get first place and that’s why it’s very important for us”, he explained.

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DAIA Research Professor, in ten categories, they have participated in the so-called “Science” in the university area, resulting in a great experience, appearing in first places and placing in international competition.

In this meeting held with Rector Guillermo Narvaez Osorio, H. Also present were Governing Council President Giltardo López Banos and Finance Secretary Miguel Armando Vélez Telles.



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