Business technology to prevent corruption

Business technology to prevent corruption

Money Laundering (ML), Terrorist Financing (TF), Fraud and Corruption are criminal practices in Colombia, despite strong restrictions on public and private companies in this regard.

Chilean fintech Ceptinel is coming to Colombia to provide a technology solution to help companies fight corruption, prevent money laundering and timely detect any practices related to internal and external fraud.

Gerardo SchudekCEO of Ceptinel, “Our origin was a start-up in Santiago in 2017. From that moment we evolved, and in 2018 we got involved in investment funding, which allowed us to consolidate the identity we have today, which is a regtech, because we are a technology-based company that offers solutions that comply with regulations. or the standards of the markets we are in.”

The solution offered by this regtech is based on CEP (Complex Event Processing) technology, which allows the combination and integration of hundreds of thousands of data in a few seconds.

As such, Septinel makes it available to compliance officers or from the compliance, operations, risk management and audit areas of banks, insurers, fiduciaries, securities firms, compensation funds, certifications and any organizations that need to comply with local regulations related to money laundering. Continuous monitoring of organizations' ecosystem information to prevent fraud and corruption, money laundering incidents and better manage risks.

“From the point of view of the law and regulations of the regulators, the models of financial, insurance and financial management systems of Colombia and Chile are very similar. I would say 80% coincidence.

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