Central Bank offers prizes for economic competition

Central Bank offers prizes for economic competition

He Central Bank of the Dominican Republic (BCRD), presented the awards for the ‘Juan Pablo Duarte Library Economics Contest’, immersed in the program of activities planned for the institution’s 76th anniversary.

The official expressed the central bank’s pride that the match was “highly anticipated”. Dominican youth various trainings and talents since 1986″, this institutional contribution “raises economic science development through research and study of key issues of the country.”

Competition awards corresponded to the following works:

The first prize, worth RD$400,000 and a plaque, went to author Fidel Ernesto Morla Martínez for his work ‘Identifying International Linkages of Inflation in the Dominican Republic and Central America: A Bayesian Approach to Global Vector Stochastic Selection’.

The second award, worth RD$325,000 and a plaque, corresponds to the work ‘Migration to Cities in the Dominican Republic: Determinants and Economic Consequences’ by authors Antonio María Giraldi Monción and Pilar Mateo Mejía.

The third prize worth RD$250,000 and a plaque went to the work ‘Evolution and determinants of monetary policy exchange in the Dominican Republic: evidence based on structural models with time-varying parameters and standardized regressions’, by author Manuel Alberto. Perez Perez.

The fourth prize, RD$200,000 and a plaque, was awarded to the work ‘Impact of Tourism’. Work activity Region of the Dominican Republic’, by author Nathaniel Ventura Jimenez.

And the fifth prize, worth RD$125,000 and a plaque, went to ‘Early Warning Indicators of Systemic Banking Crises: An Approach with Machine Learning for Latin America and the Caribbean’ by authors Georsh Maicol Paulino Victoriano and María Victoria Suriel Núñezez. .

Valdez Albizu announced that BCRD released two books as part of the award ceremony. First, ‘The New Dominican Economic Literature. “The ‘Juan Pablo Duarte’ Library Awards, associated with the 2022 edition, brings together the winning works of the previous competition.

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The second book is the twenty-seventh edition of the ‘Dominican Economic Bibliography 2021-2022’, where records published in the last half of 2020 appear, which could not be collected in the last edition.

The governor said, “The meticulous work of evaluating the works submitted to the competition every year, in the hands of a jury of renowned economists from different generations, who act responsibly and fairly in selecting the best essays, maintains the quality of the selection. “.

The jury that judged the contest was composed of: Opinio Álvarez Betancourt, former vice-governor and private consultant of the BCRD; Dr. Porfirio García, former brilliant rector of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD); José Luis de Ramón, academic and independent economic and financial consultant; Dr. Ramon Gonzalez, Deputy Manager of National Accounts and Economic Statistics of the BCRD; Dr. Rolando Guzmán, former rector of the Institute of Technology of Santo Domingo (Intec), researcher and international consultant; Dr. Indira Santos, World Bank Officer; and Doctors Harold Vasquez, Huascar Jimenez, and Osvaldo Lagares, economic advisers to BCRD’s International and Financial Regulation and Stability Departments, respectively.

During the awarding ceremony, Governor Valdez Albizu was accompanied by Vice Governor Clarissa de la Rocha; Erwin Novas Bello, manager; Jose Manuel Taveras, controller; The Deputy Manager of Culture, Jose Alcantara Almanzar, along with other officials of the company.


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