Chechito confesses after threats: “I sing because I’m afraid something will happen to me” | Showbiz | Video | programs

Sergio Romero, Cechito, admitted in his presentations that he feared for his life, that he and his family were victims of extortion. “It’s scary to come to a presentation and be afraid something might happen to you.”He said during an interview with La Chola Chabuca, in Reventonazo.

“There are videos of me singing with no encouragement, I saw everywhere, but I was scared”Chicha added an actor of the genre.

Of course When you come to a presentation, it’s a scary feeling knowing they might attack you, she said. For this reason, his family asked him to withdraw from the music scene.

“My relatives told me to leave it. “I was scared, so scared, it was complicated” Let me explain

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