Chiclayo: Dozens of school children evacuated after student riot | Society

Students are evaluating. Photo: Republic

Nearly 100 students from the Santa Magdalena Sofia National School in the emergency city of Chiclayo evacuated the study center for reasons that are still unknown, though “collective mental illness” is considered. The incident allegedly started when a minor broke down in the middle of starting school practice. Parents are demanding security cameras to monitor the condition of their daughters.

Late Sub-Director of Shift Santa Magdalena Sophia School, Marisa Ramirez, He denied that any detoxification episode occurred because the students were in a “reflection event.”

“The girls are scared, they start crying, screaming, there is a collective psychosis,” commented the author. He said that more than 200 students participated in the event.

How did dozens of schoolchildren disintegrate?

During the ethics event, Ramirez said some minors were presented Tachycardia, difficulty breathing and crying. Currently, there is no definitive diagnosis and it will have to wait. They have requested lab tests and some students have already been discharged.

Students came with anxiety disorders and movements in arms and legs. Of the 90 admitted, 40 have been discharged and 50 are under evaluation.

On the other hand, the parents of the students came to the educational institution to seek answers from the teachers whose daughters witnessed the dangerous incident.

The youths were taken to nearby health centers. Photo: Emmanuel Moreno/La Republica

What did the health department say about the condition of schoolgirls?

After the transfer of schoolgirls Lumpeg Regional Hospital, The regional health manager explained that psychologists have been sent to help the victims’ families. Meanwhile, the condition of the minors is stable. Although the cause of joint degeneration is still unknown, observation, such as laboratory tests, is routinely performed to establish the diagnosis.

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Dr. Carranza Vera said: “There is no exact diagnosis, we have to wait, we have ordered laboratory tests, some have already been discharged. They came with anxiety disorder, movement of arms, legs. We have discharged 40, 50 people. Under evaluation, you have to be patient. ”

Lumpeg Regional Hospital’s emergency room has about 50 students. Photo: Emmanuel Moreno/La Republica

What is the current status of school girls?

In this regard, the District Health Manager, Percy Diaz Morone, said none of the students presented life-threatening conditions, and at least 50 of them had already been discharged within minutes of arriving at the regional hospital. A team of psychologists worked with those still under surveillance. Others will undergo laboratory tests to determine the correct diagnosis. “They are stable. We have not detected any major damage,” he said.

Although the pediatrician of the regional hospital, Wilfredo Raymundo Presentacion, cannot completely rule out mass poisoning, it is 99% certain that, on the contrary, it is the first student’s diet that is tired or lacking, and then, it is a Mass frenzy. “There are patients whose analytical samples are taken to determine if there is a problem other than what we think (psychiatric),” he concluded.

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