China’s Chang’e 6 spacecraft lands on the far side of the moon to carry out its mission: what it’s all about

China’s Chang’e 6 spacecraft lands on the far side of the moon to carry out its mission: what it’s all about

The launch took place on May 3 and successfully landed in the Aitken-South Pole Basin.

Aims to collect samples of rocks and lunar soil. Photo: Reuters.

The Chinese Song 6 spacecraft It landed successfully this Sunday morning The dark side of the moonIn a purposeful mission Recover rocks and soil From the lunar surface, the Chinese space agency said.

The China National Space Administration The probe, which took off on May 3, reported that the Aitken-South Pole Basin had successfully carried out a landing maneuver.

The Chang’e 6 spacecraft was launched on May 3. Video: Reuters.

On landing, an autonomous system Avoidance of obstruction Displays will detect them automatically. A Light room Visible chose a relatively safe landing zone based on the lightness and darkness of the lunar surface.

After landing, the spacecraft plans to complete sampling within two days. To do this, use two methods: An exercise and to obtain elements from the subsoil A robotic arm Collect samples from the lunar surface.

The spacecraft, whose orbit takes about 53 days, is made up of four components: an orbiter, a lunar lander, an elevator and a reentry module.

Chang’e projectNamed after a deity from Chinese mythology believed to live on the moon, it began with a launch The first study in 2007.

Replace the spacecraft Chang’e 6 spacecraft: Reuters video capture.

For its part, Beijing It has invested in its space program in recent years and achieved milestones such as the successful moon landing Song 4 At the distance of the moon in January 2019, and consequently No other country has achieved this To date, in addition to the construction of its own space station.

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