CINECIEN 2023 is coming: a festival that combines science and cinema

CINECIEN 2023 is coming: a festival that combines science and cinema
CINECIEN Spot International Science Film and Audio Visual Festival

From October 12 to 14, the Ministry of Science, Technology and InnovationJoin the platform TECHe Center for Cultural Sciences – C3And this Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI), inviting all science and film buffs International Film and Science Audiovisual Festival “CINECIEN 2023”.

This event will be held in Science and Culture Center in Buenos Aires Presents a selection of audiovisual productions from Argentina and different parts of the world, with the aim of connecting the public with content from different fields of human knowledge, and the scientific community with the audiovisual world.

Anthropologist and filmmaker Carmen Guarini, with a distinguished career as a documentary filmmaker and visual anthropologist, will be responsible for curating and coordinating the festival. Films directed by famous filmmakers like in three days Leandro Listorti, Mariano Donoso, Alejandra Almiron, Nicholas Ordonez, Louisa Home, Maximiliano Laina Y Thomas Saraceno. These images cover various topics such as artificial intelligence, mathematics, anthropology, archaeology, spelunking, botany, biology, physics, oceanography and astronomy. After each screening, there will be conversation sessions with filmmakers and leading figures in the scientific field.

Filmmaker Carmen Guarini is CINECIEN’s curator

In addition, works by audiovisual artists will be presented in unconventional formats such as video installations and 360° videos, which will add a unique dimension to the festival experience.

central purpose Cinema 2023 To demonstrate the value of film in the dissemination and exploration of scientific knowledge, to establish solid links between the public and content from diverse disciplines, and to bring scientists closer to the audiovisual world. This event promises to be a unique opportunity to explore and celebrate the synergy between science and film, enhancing the understanding and appreciation of science through the power of the audiovisual medium.

Trailer for the documentary “Warsovsky, Rebel Scientist” by Rodolfo Petris

Complete Programming:

Thursday, October 12


2 pm: Varsavsky, the rebel scientistof Rodolfo Petris (Argentina). The journalist immerses himself in the investigation of Oskar Varsavsky, a mathematician who in the 1960s created debates in all research centers related to science and technology.

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18 Hours: flareof Alejandra Almiron (Argentina/Norway). The documentary follows a film editor’s personal and photographic journey in Buenos Aires, where the power cuts out.

20 Hours: Opening Movie: AI in combatof Florent Marcy (France). The documentary follows the director as he confronts Chota, an artificial intelligence robot, with the tragedy of humanity in war zones like Mosul and Raqqa, and then in Paris during the Yellow Waste uprising.

“AI at War” is an early film by Florent Marcy (France).

Sala B

4 pm: A series of math problemsof Mariano Donoso (Argentina). The film explores a series of mathematical problems based on the Markov algorithm to explain the subtle connections between scientific thought and the everyday experiences of people in their environment.

Age of Spidersof Maximiliano Laina (Argentina/Germany). The documentary was created in the context of the exhibition “Tomás Saraceno: How to Catch the Universe in a Spider Web” held at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires from April 6, 2017 to March 30, 2018.

Possible Future(s)of Maximiliano Laina (Argentina/Germany). The documentary describes the political perspective and efforts undertaken by the Aerocene Foundation and the AeroSolar Museum.

7.30 pm: Artificial intelligence, humans are no stranger to usof Juan Pablo Méndez Restrepo Y Maria Laura Vasquez (Argentina). This documentary examines Artificial Intelligence (AI) from various angles. It examines how AI is used, how it is fed with data, where it is used, and the associated technology requirements.

Friday 13 October


3.30 pm: Suzanne Daveof Louisa Home (Portugal). The film moves between the myriad locations of the world he explores through geography and the intimate spaces of his personal life.

Trailer for “Herbaria” directed by Leandro Listordi

6.30 pm: Herbariaof Leandro Listorti (Argentina). It explores the exploratory, artistic and political implications of the invisible processes of botanical and film conservation. Through a story that connects time and space.

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20.30 hrs: Maelstrom 2001of Juan Polio (Argentina). Forensic physicist Rodolfo Bregliasco reconstructed the December 20, 2001 social protest in Argentina’s federal capitol through photographs and videos, with the aim of helping justice determine responsibility for police repression that led to the fall of the police, which resulted in five murders and hundreds of injuries. President Fernando de la Rua.

Maelström 2001 Trailer, Juan Polio

Sala B

2 pm: Duhana Yaganof Ignatius Leonidas Y Rodrigo Tenuta (Argentina). Yagán Paiakoala community, ancestral inhabitants of Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego for more than 8,000 years, Catalina Yagan, 89 years old, remembers her grandfather Asenewensis singing.

Compoteof Sophia Benzaton (Argentina). Follows the daily lives of Rosa and Irineo, dedicated to making “compot,” a specific type of brick, in the clay hills of the Chuquiago Valley on the outskirts of La Paz, Bolivia.

Exocolumbinesof Daniela Sequiaro Y By Julian D’Angioli (Argentina). The film takes us to pieces in the National Museum of Fine Arts’ pre-Columbian art collection, raising questions about the context they have lost over time.

Compote, Sofia Benzaton (Argentina)

Self helpof By Julian D’Angioli (Argentina). In the expeditions of the Argentine speleological group, the desired time is spent inside the caves, where the physical and emotional limits of the participants are clearly felt.

Speleovivariumof By Julian D’Angioli (Argentina). Artist and filmmaker Julian D’Angiolillo entered the world of caves in 2010, participating in caving expeditions in Argentina, Italy and Cuba.

5.30 pm: Sky againof Gustavo Alonso (Argentina). The Andean condor, the world’s largest flying bird, is returning to the skies of the Patagonian coast thanks to conservation efforts that combine biotechnological advances with the wisdom of indigenous peoples who maintain thousands of connections with these sacred birds.

Time Window, Nicolas Ordonez (Colombia)

Saturday 14 October


4 pm: Atacama Hatal, a journey to the underworldof Julian Rosenblatt (Chili). In 2022, Chilean oceanographers Osvaldo Ulloa and Ruben Escribano, along with American explorer Victor Vescovo, became the first humans to descend the Atacama Trench to a depth of more than 8,000 meters.

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6.30 pm: time windowof Nicholas Ordonez (Colombia). Natalia Jaramillo, a cartographer, historian, geographer and pilot, embarks on an expedition to Antarctica on a scientific research vessel.

8:30 PM: Final Film: Fly with Bacha, towards Aeroceneof Maximiliano Laina Y Thomas Saraceno (Argentina/Germany). It is a continuous collective film that captures the essence of Andean culture, where pacha represents a great force that harmonizes everything in the cosmos. The work is a message, a sculpture and a journey around the sun with Pachamama, which takes us to the complementary era.

What I Wouldn’t Give for a Memory by Dino Pereira (Argentina).

Sala B

2 pm: Longing to catch the skyof Marina Ryznik (Argentina). The video essay explores contemporary perceptions and offers historical assumptions about the introduction of photography at the Córdoba and La Plata observatories for the Carte du Ciel project, which was coordinated by the Paris observatory over several decades.

Symphony in the skyof Juan Pablo Ruiz (Argentina). Follows the life of Gabriela Piazza, a young blind woman who develops a growing interest in astronomy.

inner outerof Agustina Grillo Y Pio Filguera (Argentina). For more than 40 years, three men have spent one week a month doing astronomical work at the Felix Aguilar Observatory in El Leoncito, San Juan Province.

5.30 pm: What I wouldn’t give for the memoryof Dino Pereira (Argentina). 40 years ago, the sulfur workers of Mina La Casualidad were displaced when the military government closed the sulfur mine and with it their community. Year after year, they return in hopes of being declared a historic monument.

He International Film and Science Audiovisual Festival “CINECIEN 2023”Between October 12 and 14 starts at 2pm with free admission. Center for Cultural Sciences Located at Godoy Cruz 2270, CABA.


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