Cinema, Politics and Economics

Cinema, Politics and Economics

They say the closing ceremony of the San Sebastian Film Festival in Spain took place last weekend. They tell us that these types of events are used as a forum to express political, religious or pro-LGBT+ community views. On this occasion, they tell us, some filmmakers, writers, actresses and actors expressed their concern about the situation in Argentina. The award recognizes many people from Tango country for their work. There, without time limit, Argentine artists expressed concern about the risk a possible victory for the candidate of the La Libertad Avanza party would represent for their ailing economy. Javier Miley. The message was above all addressed to the youth who are the candidate’s biggest followers.

In August, the port of Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacán, handled 456,705 vehicles, a 15% increase over August 2022. In terms of imports, these were up 14%, receiving 271 1,826 units, while exports grew 22%, sending 180,810. Lazaro Cardenas is the leading port in the movement of automotive cargo, so the Mexican Automotive Industry (AMIA) Jose Sozaia, look for alternative ways to move vehicles faster. They explain to us that the increasing demand for new Chinese brands and cars from Korea, Japan and Thailand has increased vehicle transfer times, causing delivery delays to customers at agencies.

They tell us that confidence has returned to the financial technology sector (fintech) in Mexico after recent investment announcements, in addition to commitments from the Ministry of Finance, and consolidation processes in the sector. Rogelio Ramirez de la O, has been undertaken in the last year of this six-year period to carry forward the pending regulations. They explain to us that there will be constant announcements of fintech purchases, capital rounds and investments by tech companies in the banking sector, which means Mexico is one of the most attractive markets for fintech companies. It remains to be seen whether the law will be enacted in an election year and lay the foundation to sustain the sector’s boom in the next regime.

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