Congress | Fuerza Popular’s congressman Hernando Guerra Garcia died in the health center for not helping | principle

Congress |  Fuerza Popular’s congressman Hernando Guerra Garcia died in the health center for not helping |  principle

A rupture and lack of timely medical attention claimed the life of the First Vice President of the Peruvian Congress. HERNANDO GUERRA GARCIA (Popular Force), at the age of 60 in Islay, Arequipa province. His unfortunate death has rekindled the acute crisis in primary care in the health sector, across the entire national territory, which is the focus of debate.

According to information received by the police Trade, the member of parliament was chatting with his friends on Thursday night when he fainted minutes before midnight and was transferred to the Punta de Pompan health center near his home. Guevara Garcia had arrived in Arequipa that afternoon to participate in Peru’s mining conference.

However, being a level I-3 health center, its opening hours are twelve hours, only receiving patients till eight in the evening. With this in mind, although an ambulance was on site, he was again transported in a private vehicle to EsSalud Hospital II Manuel de Torres Núñez de Mollendo, about forty minutes away to the north. There, he arrived at 12:50 a.m. on Friday and the doctor on duty could only confirm his death.

Upon notification of the National Police, Islay’s provincial prosecutor Yecid Zeballos Arias went to the scene at dawn, exhumed the body at 3:00 a.m. and registered, ordering a legal autopsy at the Mollendo Hospital mortuary. .

As part of the preliminary investigation, it was also ordered that the statements of all persons who had knowledge of the incidents should be taken.

“Deeply saddened by the death of Nano. A friend of youth, political gatherings, common ideals and utopias […]. Be calm my dear friend.

Alberto Otterola – Prime Minister

The official autopsy began early in the morning and lasted more than four hours, concluding at around one-thirty in the afternoon. In the end, the cause of death was determined to be pathological (natural), “with the probability of confirming acute myocardial infarction,” the public ministry pointed out.

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The president of Divincri Arequipa, Colonel Fernando Portugal Huanqui, confirmed to this newspaper that police experts, upon learning of the incident, went to the farm where the legislator was and he was sick.

“A survey has been carried out at the site and a report has been drawn up with the participation of the prosecutor’s office and one of the owners of the property. So far, no evidence of criminal interest has been found,” he explained.

After a legal autopsy, the remains of the dead congressman were transferred under heavy security to a military base in Arequipa and then – by plane – to Lima, where Fuerza was transported in a group of famous congressmen.

Callao’s Air Group No. which arrived after six in the afternoon. On the 8th, the coffin was received by a group of administrative officials such as the head of the cabinet Alberto Otorola and ministers Jorge Chávez Cresta (Defence). and Vicente Romero (Interior). Members of Parliament and prominent leaders were also present at the scene.

– Reactions –

Upon learning of the legislator’s sudden death, politicians from various groups and institutions of the state, such as the President, the Judiciary and the Constitutional Court, spoke about it, the congressman and expressed their condolences to Guevara Garcia’s family.

At the Congress, it was decided to reverse all parliamentary proceedings and display the national flag at half-mast. The funeral is scheduled to take place this Sunday morning at 11:00 AM at the Legislative Assembly House.

The Republican Congress was in half-pole on Friday, September 29, 2023 due to the death of Member of Parliament Hernando Guerrera. (Photo: Violeta Ayasta/ @photo.gec)

“By them Mr. It was terrible not being able to meet Guevara Garcia. But this news should not be taken just because it happened to a former congressman, but should be a wake-up call in general. A population remains unmaintained and Mr. “How many lives like ‘Nano’ are lost because there was not enough and timely care to save his life,” Fuerza Popular President Keiko Fujimori told reporters.

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For her part, Congresswoman Gladys Echaíz of Renovación Popular insisted that it “puts a national problem on the table.” “What is the condition of the people living in that area and surrounding areas? The death was exposed due to negligence of the government,” he said.

“His remarkable career in discourse and service to the country will always be remembered. My condolences to his family and loved ones. Rest in peace my friend.”

Alejandro Soto – Congress President

“My heartfelt condolences to the family and members of Fuerza Popular Party […]. Be at peace my dear Nan”

Diego Bazan – Chairman of the Ethics Commission

“My deepest condolences to the family, friends and colleagues in Congress on the tragic death of Hernando Guerrera Garcia. “A great person and politician who is articulate and communicative.”

Waldemar Ceron – Second Vice President of Congress

Criticism was directed at the health system. However, the minister of the department, Cesar Vasquez, did not comment on the matter. Briefing the media was Ciro Mestas, Deputy Minister of Health Benefits and Insurance, who indicated that “the deficits of the Peruvian health system at the primary level are historic” and that work was underway to raise the amount. Human Resources. He said an investigation was conducted by the National Health Inspectorate (NSU).

Meanwhile, the Arequipa Regional Health Administration indicated that it is currently in the process of “reorganizing the workforce to improve health services, demonstrating the real gap in human resources in our region.”

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The agency said the “economic resources needed to meet this demand” are managed before the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economy.


  • Hernando Guevara García (Lima, 1963) began his political career in the 90s. He was a deputy candidate with the Socialist Left.
  • In 2016, he ran for the presidency with the National Unity-UPP alliance. But, later he withdrew from the election contest.
  • In 2020, he was presented as president of the Fuerza Popular Government Project; Headed the list for Congress for Lima. He got his seat by getting more than 50 thousand votes.
  • In Congress, he was a spokesman for the Fujimori Party and chairman of the Constitutional Commission.


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