Congress: They propose that scientific essays be used to earn a professional degree or master’s degree Waldemar Ceron | Guido Bellito | Society

Congress: They propose that scientific essays be used to earn a professional degree or master’s degree Waldemar Ceron |  Guido Bellito |  Society

Legislators continue to push for changes to the University Act. Photo: Republic

They continue to be behind university reform. Congressmen Waldemar Ceron (Perú Libre) and Guido Bellido (Perú Bicentenario) have presented two bills that share the same interests: both modify Article 45 of the University Law, which regulates the acquisition of degrees and titles.

First, Ceron’s initiative proposes that high school graduates submit to the publication of a scientific paper. Job title or your master’s degree. This can be optional for the approval of a thesis or a work of professional expertise.

Congressmen Cerrone and Bellito propose changes to the University Act. Photo: Spread

Publication of a scientific or academic paper is also proposed by the legislator Guido Bellito, through his proposal, he proposed that they be published in a high-impact indexed journal: “This proposal aims to recognize the researcher’s effort and promote scientific research,” says Waldemar Ceron in his explanatory statement. He has led a series of efforts to reform the current University Act.

Great care

In this regard, the former deputy minister Education José Luis Kargurevich considers it important to diversify the way of verifying the skills of professionals; However, he warned that today is not a good time because of the crisis in the quality of scientific articles. It refers to a recently disclosed case of authors who were paid to appear as co-authors of scientific research.

Cesar Uribe, Vice President of the Council of Education, said that the position to receive Degrees and Titles. “The demand for scientific articles is valid, but it is necessary Proof parameters are required to avoid irregularities”.

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The English requirement was also removed

But that’s not all. Waldemar Chéron’s bill also proposes the abolition of compulsory knowledge of the language English or mother tongue to obtain a bachelor’s degree.

To achieve the latter, only the approval of undergraduate courses will be required, as was the case before the university reform. In April this year, with the active participation of the Congress – Legislature Alejandro Cavero– Also removed the obligation to approve a research project. Today they only have to take a “research work course” in the last semester and that’s it.

“For English, they should study during the semester and not wait for the last cycle to gauge their mastery at the end of the degree,” Uribe said.


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