Conjunction between Mercury and Mars and other celestial events in August

Conjunction between Mercury and Mars and other celestial events in August

August 2023 presents a real treat for astronomy enthusiasts and night sky lovers. A series Spectacular celestial events are scheduled to dazzle us throughout the month. From lunar phenomena to the appearance of planets in the sky and meteor showers.

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For skygazers, August 16 will be a date to mark on your calendars. In this case, The new moon coincides with the lunar apogee, When our natural satellite is farthest from Earth in its orbit.

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This phenomenon is called a micromoon. It will provide a spectacular view for those who want to appreciate the moon at its smallest.

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Two days later, on August 18, it would be a day of double surprise. First, The Moon will come closest to the Sun.

In addition, those who love planetary observation can enjoy it Conjunction between Moon and Mars, These two celestial bodies meet at a close position in the sky.

August 27th can be marked in their calendars by those who love the planets Opposition to Saturn. At this stage, Saturn is directly opposite the Sun It’s visible in the sky, meaning all night long, revealing its iconic rings and details of its atmosphere.

August 28 marks the beginning Origids meteor shower, A celestial spectacle that promises to give viewers a fleeting light show across the night sky as comet fragments enter Earth’s atmosphere.

The highlight of the month comes with a special event on August 30. On this date, the full moon coincides with lunar perigee, the point at which the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit.

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(Read here: Learn about some of the most powerful telescopes observing the universe from space).

Besides, This is the second full moon of the month. Popularly known as Super Blue Moon. This event causes a full moon to appear larger and brighter than usual in the night sky.

To close with a flourish, on August 30, the Moon will continue its program In conjunction with Saturn, It provides a perfect opportunity to observe these two celestial bodies up close.

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*This content was generated with the help of artificial intelligence based on information published on the Bogotá Planetarium website and was reviewed by a journalist and editor.

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