Copper | Congo | Peru lost second place as world copper exporter due to political turmoil and protests | Crises | mining | Export | locks | economy

Copper |  Congo |  Peru lost second place as world copper exporter due to political turmoil and protests |  Crises |  mining |  Export |  locks |  economy

The figures used in the following graph indicate Export and not manufacturing, the shift in levels highlights two important trends. First, rising social unrest and political uncertainties are limiting investment in South America, while more money is flowing into rich mineral deposits. Africa.

over the years, Peru It was the largest copper producer and exporter after neighboring Chile, thanks to several projects at the turn of the century. In recent years, political turmoil and social protests have helped to sustain exports Copper from the country.

He CongoFor its part, it has progressed much faster, especially thanks to the high-grade mineral it now exploits Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Inside Kamoa-Kakula. Congolese exports have doubled since 2018 to 2.4 million tonnes. Peru shipped 2.2 million tons.

read more: Congo will replace Peru as the world’s second-largest copper producer, followed by Chile

Although there are copper mines in Congo They also faced hurdles such as prolonged exports in the Dengue Fungurum, which did not stop their growth.

It is not clear whether this is a temporary flip or a permanent restoration. It mostly depends on Peru You can get the political consensus needed to launch new projects and avoid further hurdles.

In terms of production, the two countries are on par, according to Peru’s Ministry of Energy and Mines and the Congolese Central Bank.. Consulting firm Wood Mackenzie confirmed this week that Congo will not overtake Peru in production until 2026 or 2027.

read more: Las Pampas will invest US$350 million in 2023 and explore the southern sector after 10 years.

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