Cuban regime opens investigation into corruption charges against former economy minister

Cuban regime opens investigation into corruption charges against former economy minister

Cuba's Ministry of the Interior (MININT) will open an investigation against the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Planning. Alejandro Gil FernandezGranma newspaper, the official organ of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC), reported this Thursday that “serious errors” were made during his duties.

The official note appears under the editorship of Miguel Díaz-Canel, first secretary of the PCC and president of the Republic, and states that the decision to initiate the process to clarify the case was made at the proposal of the Attorney General's Office. Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Republic, PCC and State Council. “From the beginning of these proceedings, The person involved confessed to the serious charges “Consequently, he has resigned as a member of the party's central committee and vice-chairman of the National Assembly of People's Power,” the statement said.

Although the alleged wrongdoings or crimes committed by the accused were not specified, “the leadership of our party and government has never allowed, will not allow, Corruption rampant, Simulation and insensitivity. Likewise, they emphasize the severity of punishment: “The more trust is placed in an employee, the harsher and less decisive the measures taken in the face of these types of events.”

Alejandro Gil was ousted from his post in early February, less than 48 hours after announcing the postponement of a major economic package promoted by the regime that sparked popular rejection. Like Gil, Ministers were dismissed Science, Technology and Environment and Food Industry.

He did not mention it then What will be the future of the destroyed? But he noted that “all colleagues who have been relieved of their respective posts” were recognized for their “effort” and “devotion in fulfilling such high responsibilities”. Likewise, he explained, “They will be assigned new tasks in the coming days.”

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After suspending the so-called “macroeconomic stabilization program” in early February due to a cyber security incident, the Cuban regime began implementing it this March 1st. Inflation has risen sharply in the week since it came into force.


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