Diego Macera, director of the Peruvian Institute of Economics: “Limiting the term of mayors is not good” IPE Interview | economy


Majority of businessmen are more or less clear about the government’s profile and know what they are playing for in 2024 and 2025, but the major uncertainty is about investment in 2026, he pointed out. Diego MaseraDirector Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE). In the interview Mail He highlighted the important aspects of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics as the miners participated in the event.

2018 Nobel Laureate in Economics Paul Roemer attends Mining Event…

He stressed the importance of young people having a good first job, giving them the opportunity to learn on the job; Firms are not penalized for hiring a young worker and are given incentives to take the risk of hiring a young person who is in their last years of school or university. Part of the central idea is that training is about understanding work as school and school as work.

Does this conform to what has been called Bulbin’s Law?

Yes, it’s very much in line with that regulation (Bulb’s Act, which encourages the employment of young people between the ages of 18 and 29). It was approved in Congress, but did not pass. Since then (2014) the issue has not been put back on the agenda, as it is politically too complicated, considered too “costly” for the candidate, and has been shelved for Congress. The Nobel laureate says it’s important to facilitate those entering the workforce to access a good job. I think your proposal is good common sense.

Good comment…

Another thing worth highlighting about Nobel is that he thinks limiting the terms of mayors or regional governors is not a good idea. He believes that mayors and governors who do their jobs well should be empowered. That is, its vision is what can be done to have more flexibility and more competition within regional units.

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Indefinite re-election attracts corruption

He didn’t mention it specifically, but if you ask me, there is control from the comptroller’s office, but there is political control from the next election, and for me these controls should be enough. I believe there should be a limit on the re-election of the President (of the Republic). A mayor does not have the opportunity to create an ecosystem from the presidency to disrupt the electoral system, as he did in Nicaragua and Venezuela. There is no need to shorten the term of Congress.

About mining

I think his topic is the rule of law, and for him (Romer) it’s a central path with potential for growth. An interesting part of what (Romer) said is that he thinks the capabilities that other governments have built should help us build our own capabilities. I imagine it could be similar to G2G, but instead of infrastructure, think of it for education or security. This may be something to consider. For example, to use G2G for security, police from Canada could come to Peru and transfer their best knowledge, suddenly with a long adaptation period.

President Pollarde inaugurated the mining seminar

His presence at the forum was important because it was an indication that, at least in the recent past, a favorable level of growth in the mining sector was at its highest level. There have been some messages from the presidency that show some stability. Generally, majority of businessmen and people are more or less clear about the profile of this government. In 2024 and 2025, for better or worse, we know what we’re playing for. In fact, there is huge uncertainty woven around investment interest from 2026 onwards. Of course, the political noise has been increasing in recent months, which is encouraging by any means.

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What do you think about informal mining and Reinfo?

There are some gray areas in artisanal and informal mining where work can continue, but that is no excuse for inaction in others. Criminal proceedings must be treated as they are, without extensions, exceptions, acquittals or quasi-proceedings.

Diego Masera

Director of the Peruvian Institute of Economics (IPE). Economist from the Universidad del Pacifico. Master of Public Policy Analysis from the University of Chicago. He is the Director of Central Reserve Bank (BCR).


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